I can’t do this anymore, I can’t go on with the pain of being without her. I’ve tried everything, I’ve tried to be patient and all I’ve done is delayed the inevitable. I just want to give up, I want the pain to stop. No matter what I do I just can’t help myself. Nothing is going to change that she is gone, and no matter how far I run the ending will still be the same.im supposed to be young and happy, living in the best part of my life, yet it feels like hell and time just seems to crawl, I just want relief, I want to be happy, I want to be ok again, but she took that from me. Without her I have nothing and this is all just a game to her, I just want it all to stop, I have to get out of here.
Ive lost bunches of people recently. The best healer is time. Give it time. I felt exactly like this when the wound was fresh…the pain is almost unbearable at first but time numbs it a bit. You wont forget her, but you’ll start thinking of the happy times you shared with her…and soon…memories of her will drive you to live <3 Give it time
I’ve tried to give it time, but I’m just so exhausted at waiting to see the light, the day I finally can move on and learn to be without her, but the months seem like years, and any progress I’ve made seems like nothing at all, the happy times are what drive me to think about how I may never have them again, ugh I’m just tired and frustrated. I just want to be as happy as I used to be..unfortunately that was with her
Don’t let her drive you to this. This is your decision. Not hers. This will affect your family. Not hers. This will affect your friends. Not hers. Time does mend all broken hearts, even if it does take years. I’m not going to tell you that you will be happy someday. I’m not going to tell you that things will get better. But her and this moment will matter less tomorrow, and even less next week, and even less in a year. If you feel you have no alternatives at least give yourself a couple years to heal.
A word of advice? Don’t pick the scab, or it’ll never heal. If she’s done with you, don’t press the issue. It will only get worse.
Yes, I know…but if youve truly loved someone and they were your world for a long time, it should take more than a few months…I dont know..what she want you to be this broken up? I’m sure she wouldnt and if she would, then she wasnt for you anyway.
I know it will take a long time, but yet I feel like I don’t have that Long to give considering how miserable it all is now, and she has made this pain worse, I think she has tried to hurt me on purpose, and I know she isn’t right….but that doesn’t change how much I want her to be right and how I want to be with her
Someday, I know it doesnt change, but it should and being in this EXACT situation, I know. It happened to me 3 years ago and ive dated someone else for 2 years since then i still have just RECENTLY gotten over it…and I believe he still loves me(even though he’s had a gf now for a while) It doesnt even seem like she loves you. Trust me, you’ll be fine. Time, time, time, time, time
I’m not sure of your situation, but the first thing to treating a bullet wound is remove the bullet. You need to put some air between you and her. If she goes all creepy possessive (and I had a crazy ex like that) then cut off contact. Your further contact with her is only deteriorating your condition.
You can’t help someone before you help yourself, you can’t make her right if she doesn’t want to be.
Arizonaguy gives advice that I will take as well. You would do well to listen to that advice.
You must be madly in love with her. Does she know it? Just hold on tight and don’t let go. I promise you something good will happen. Maybe you’ll find someone just as great. 🙂
I just feel so hopeless, I cut her out of my life and yet she finds a way back in, I’ve tried as hard as I could, but the time we live in she always finds a way to contact me, email, other friends phones, etc, but yet it is always the same she half tries to work things out, half tries to tell me how we will never work. I try to just cut her out, but I feel I can’t escape it, and my will power fails me and I end up giving in and talking to her, even though I know I shouldn’t…I just can’t get away from it enough to heal
Be straight up with her. Tell her that this rollercoaster of emotions that she is putting you on is seriously affecting your sanity and has the potential to negatively impact any long term plans. Tell her that she needs to shit or get off the pot. She can’t keep you on the back burner as a just-in-case boyfriend. You deserve better.
I have told her multiple times that I’m tired of this game and her messing with my emotions, yet she still tries to pull me back in, she just wants me to keep holding on to hope for us so that she hasn’t technically completely lost me, yet she never plans to actually work things out, I changing colleges in a couple months and I’m praying the distance will prove to act as like a sanctuary, and I will finally be able to heal, but my own will power just keeps failing me and the part of me still holding on is killing my sanity
It will. The longer you stay, the crazier you will go. You’re emotionally cutting. You know what you’re doing is hazardous to your health, you know you shouldn’t do it, and you know that there is no real point in it. But it feels so good, and if you ignore your mind yelling at you you can almost see a real future.
Hang in there until you change schools. The distance will be good for you.
My willpower was no stronger than yours. Always thinking of what might happen, how things *could* turn out. To quote Hemingway, “Isn’t it pretty to think so.” Distance may be your only hope.