Hello folks,
I came here because I was really desperate and thinking to kill myself but something made me change my mind.
I felt the injustice that others want to kill themselves, and the ONLY reason is despair, misfortune, violence and loneliness.
Not a deadly disease, not feeling dangerous for others.
No, just VICTIMS.
I would like, I want! to help everyone to stay alive AND have a better life. I have to do something for this.
This give me the reason to live. I cannot find reasons to live just for myself, but I want to stop all this, and I can do it only staying alive and fighting.
Lets us join forces to give us a better life.
Unity is Strength
— I dont want to keep you alive, I want stop the injustice. (If you want to try a risky venture, is your business.)
Do you feel the injustice that adverse conditions are pushing you to suicide?
Condition can be changed.
Everyone join forces to face and overcome problems.
This is not different.
Save someone like you is not different to save a seal, a dog, a bird.
If  you care…
I care, so it works for me.