I don’t cry when I sleep….. I just woke up…… the tears remind me that I’m alive here in this world…… awake…… I just want something big to change…… I don’t think I can sleep forever…… or can I? I’ve spent my life trying to end it…… and funny enough I spent it helping others find happiness and reasons to keep living…… I’m going back to bed soon….. maybe….. I just cry uncontrollably these days, and the only thing that stops the endless flow…… sleep…… I wish I could remember my dreams…… I used to remember them well, but now not so much….. I do wake up happy, for like 5 seconds every time I sleep…… you know before reality sets in…… I wonder what I’m dreaming of that makes me so happy…… whatever it is, it’s gone when I’m awake….. so I want to sleep
i know exactly how you feel, i used to get home from school, eat, and then go to sleep, just sleep for hours and hours, when your asleep you cant feel anything only peaceful rest and comfort in warm bedsheets, i used to cry myself to sleep almost everyday, and no one would know,(not like i even wanted anyone to know) i just locked my door went into bed and tried to sleep, and damn did it feel good,
but things changed, i became numb to emotions i no longer slept as much and i just didnt really feel much pain, i knew i was going to kill myself, but at least the last year of my life i wouldnt have to be in pain everyday,
then i found this website, my numbness disappeared, and slowly i recovered, with the help of someone, listening to my pain and agony, it really helps to have someone talk to you especially when they know what your going through, if you need to talk to anyone im here, all you have to do is spill everything out.
Thanks rathernot….. I lost so much of my life in the last few months……. I lost my house, my family, my belongings…… it just seems like there isn’t much left for me to live for….. but I can’t even get suicide right….. so Im just trying to sleep it off
i planned mine perfectly, and then i decided not to, why? because i found a reason to live, before i had nothing to live for, and now i have someone to live for,
if you did have something to live for what would it be?
I tried last on August 17th….. I have two daughters….. my reason to live is one of them…… but I’m afraid I’m not strong these days……. August 17th I started using spice….. I take a hit every ten mins….. yesterday was the first time I sobered up for 3 hours straight….. seriously, high constantly for over 2 months…… when I came down, I went to see my girl, she is 5 years old…… we both miss her little sister so much….. we spent 3 hours hugging and crying…… strange that the only one who feels my pain is 5
aww, im no one to tell you what to do, but your daughter needs you, she needs you a lot, please dont deprive her of having a mother, its obvious she loves you very much, and for your addiction, i know its hard to end it, i’ve dealt with a bit of alcoholism but i have stopped, i have been sober for over idunno anymore, but its been a long time, i dont even touch that stuff anymore, i fought and i won, and im sure you can too, good luck
Im sober right now…. I try doing it as often as I can, usually for an hour at a time….. I didn’t see my kid for 2 months because I can’t be fucked up around her, I just can’t….. I asked my family if I could come home…… but it looks like I’m gonna have to sleep in my car for a while
look you seem like a very loving mother, you might have let drugs and depression consume you, but you are a very loving mother, live for your daughter, it will make you happy to see her grow up healthy and happily with a great mom, she is your reason to live, she is your happiness she is your joy, dont lose her, dont
thanks, I know the one thing I’m better at than anything I ever did…… being a mom…… when my kids were taken from me everything was fine….. shortly after evedrything went to shit…… that’s why I tried to kill myself, and that’s why I started the drugs…… Im not the person I used to be….. I liked who I was, but I guess others didn’t….. I hate my life now and what Ive become…… I know I cant be a good mom if Im high…. Im trying to find a way back to who I was, but it’s hard…… life was good when it fell apart…… so now Im lost….. if I ever get back to who I was, what was so bad that they had to take it away?? I just don’t understand, so I cry….. but only when Im awake
i dont know why they took your children away from you, and it must be devastating, i know life must have felt good with all those drugs, but life can be better and it will be better with your children, you are a very caring mother, and im sure that you have enough determination to be a good mom and recover for your children. So you have to fight, you cant give up, not on your children and not on yourself, you have a lot to live for and a lot to care for, i hope you can recover for your children and yourself
@ ninnie95: My dad was an alcoholic, and now he’s dead. I know that sounds blunt but I don’t know how else to put it. Just one of the many things that hurts me when I think about this, is that when I get married, he won’t be there to walk me down ile, he won’t be at my wedding, he won’t be there when I have kids, he will never be there. Please don’t put your kids through this. You need to get help. Please
I hate the drugs…. before they took my kids I didn’t touch the stuff….. I still dont even drink….. thanks for taking the time to talk to me….. I have talked to several professionals over the last month about my addition, and Im trying to fix it….. but from my point of view…… I was med complient and in therapy for years, all was perfect and then they took my kids….. I tried to maintain my life with out them, but just wanted to die….. when I stopped taking my meds and moved to spice, I wanted to live…… now that I keep getting sober, I just cry and pray for death again…… its hard getting off because I know the sadness could take over…. but if I dont quit, the drugs will do it for me….. either way Im screwed and dead…… hard solution to find 🙁
I know it’s hard, and I’m sorry that you feel like this. I don’t really know what else to say, I’m just sorry that your going through this x
Your life will be a lot better once you can sober up completely and maintain your kids, you dont need spice to keep you happy, having the joy of your wonderful children will make you happy, having the feeling of accomplishment that you raised your beautiful and great children, watching them grow up and flourish into adults, spice is ruining you and you have to stop doing it, its going to feel like hell while your sobering up, but it will be worth it because your life will get a lot better with your children, you have to make sacrifices for yourself and for your kids, your going to have to live through the pain of rehabilitation, but in the end you will be glad with your decisions