i am 15 nearly 16. people think im such a happy teenager, but they have no idea how wrong they are. i have depression, i have an eating disorder, i self harm and im suicidal. i dont have a bf and a lovely family but non of them know the truth. i tell them but they dont take me seriously they thing im lying or that ill be “fine” do you know how hard it is to be battling against life alone? feel like no one cares? no one is there? well thats me. i have cuts on my shoulder, stomach and my wrists. i cry every night and wish for a better life. my life is a shit hole and i ask myself when is the pain going to end
Hey there when. You have depression and I believe you when you say so.
I had both depression and a severe eating disorder at your age, as well. I self harmed later in life.
You said your family does not know the truth but then say they don’t take you seriously or think you are lying. So you have told them? And what – they pat you on the head and want it to go away so they assure you that you are okay. You are fine.
Sounds like if this is the case, they have not supported you to feel loved in a way you need it to resonate. Everyone experiences that sense of self worth and love in different ways you know? WHat works for one may not for another. A deadly force at work underlying all of this is how parents do not listen – I mean REALLY listen – instead they talk away and want the reality to not exist. So here you are feeling worse than before. Like how far does one have to go before someone truly understands? How often do you have to punish yourself mentally and let the pain go by cutting to stop the internal angst?
You asked if anyone know how hard it is to battle life alone. I do. I was you at 15 & 16. Sometimes I still am but because I did not have access to the resources way back when dirt was an invention and the wheel had not been yet created. Yeah. I am old – olde with an E.
Back then the cure was to ignore or sedate the shit out of kids. Some threw them away and locked em up. What you have now is intelligent resources who can help you if your family would just take the time to HEAR. They call it ACTIVE listening. Meaning they shut up and HEAR what you have to say. No interrupting. No telling you what to do. They need to hush and at first maybe your words come out jumbled. Let them. They will come out more clearly the longer you family lets you talk. Tell them do not interrupt for at least 10 minutes while you get this out. Tell them you just want them to ACTIVELY listen.
I hate that you go to sleep crying. I hate that I still do. But there is a lot of hope in getting you out of this shit hole of which you speak. It starts by telling them to ACTIVELY listen.
and a tissue if you cry tonight
thanks 🙂 i have told my parents and my bf to listen and to actually listen but in their heads they want to see me as the one they love and refuse to believe anything can be wrong with me so they dont take it to heart. they just dont listen its so frustrating. but im used to it. they have been doing this for 3 years now ever since i got diagnosed with depression. but thank u very much for the advice and the help, good to see some people on the earth care
hugs, we care…