I post something that I believe in and stand for on tumblr and I get 100 notes. 100 people who disagree with me. 100 people who don’t respect my opinion. 100 people who judge me for something that I believe is wrong. 23 people who took the time to tell me to kill myself. 23 people who have decided that they will suggest lovely ways on how I could kill myself. 23 people who couldn’t care less that it is a human they’re sending those messages to. So are we all entitled to our own opinion? Of course. Will we be respected for that opinion? Not a chance.
What did you post? Perhaps you offended someone?
The post was regarding abortion statistics. Shouldn’t I be able to have my own opinion without being judged for it?
If the object of their comments is not a human being, but the concept of a random posting on the internet (and thus dehumanized, detached from identity), then there is nothing to be upset about. They aren’t directing those things at you, after all. They probably don’t even know you. I am not what I write. This comment is not me.
Were you for or against the abortions ?
People can get really pissy when talking about thugs like that. It’s quite a sensitive subject. And when your on a computer people seem to care alot less about what there saying. The don’t realise that there is another living, breathing person on the other end of another computer. They just see the post and feel like they can have an opinion, even if there just being nasty.
Everyone’s entitled to freedom of speach, but not everyone’s going to agree with what you or anyone else has said. But that dosen’t give them the right to belittle your opiniun and use there freedom of speech to hurt another person. Even freedom of speach has boundarys, of which people like to cross when there on the Internet and not face to face. It’s very rare that you’d acctually find someone come up to you in the street and say all of what they said, to your face. People just don’t have the guys to have an opiniun as nasty as there’s in public, just behind a screen. They do it for a reaction.