Do not use life force to destroy life force. Of course, as in all things, there are exceptional cases–how do you know if you are an exception to a sound principle?
Do not use life force to destroy life force. Of course, as in all things, there are exceptional cases–how do you know if you are an exception to a sound principle?
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Is this from Star Wars?
what if u gave away life force in order to kill urself, technically its not destroying it, merely changing its host, like giving all ur organs nd blood away 😮 also i believe that we are made of energy (life force is close enough) nd energy cannot be created or destroyed merely changed from one form to another so techincally u wouldnt be destroying urself merely changing urself…
Hahahaha…Hey Procel
Very nice answer. Any idea what we would be changing into? But you hit the nail on the head lad….you can’t really destroy yourself…now can you? So what do you want to be next? I’m kinda leaning towards a kangaroo myself…I like big, deep pockets…hahaha Thank you for your support sorta earlier btw…unnecessary but kind…even though I understand your sole purpose was damage control. Probably thinkin…the silly old ***** is at it again eh? Sorry…again what next?
Long time no harassment
Love ya
Amakua 😀 i actually missed u alot! dont be silly, u were right nd no matter previous, disagreements i always respect u nd ur oppinion. nd not damage controll, i find the sights changed so much that a good old bust up on it would now be great craic :-p as for what id like to change into? definatly a bird, red tailed hawk to be specific, to fly so high nd not give a shit about anything but food nd predators… a kangaroo? well ud have to move to australia then, otherwise u wouldnt fit the steriotype :-p bit of deacent warm wether on the cards so!
Ahhh Procel…you made the old woman smile. I admit sometimes I like a “good old bust up” myself now and again…hahaha. I tried…I bit my tongue for weeks…and then had a weak moment…and the old Ama is back eh?
Red tailed hawk…ahhhh…I watch them everyday here…the way they swoop and glide in the air pockets and currents…it seems so much effortless fun eh? But not give a shit? That’s what birds do isn’t it?…hahaha My Buppa used to tell us the first lesson in birdwatching…is to keep your mouth shut…lol. So in reality you would be flying around shitting on folks all day long…hehehehe
Nah…gonna have to change my dream…Australia has never intrigued me…now New Zealand…ayup…but they don’t have roos there do they? HEY…maybe I’ll be a Kiwi!!! The bird…not the fruit…lol. But do Kiwi’s fly? If you get to crap on the world…I want to too…hahaha
ah theres nothing wrong with having a bit of fire in ya! tho i dont know much about the relationship there i got the feeling u were right. I usto read these books, Animorphs? ever heard of them? the characters i related to most was a red tailed hawk (long story)
Buahaha i almost didnt understand that lesson for a second lmao, if i was a bird i wouldnt go arround shitting on everyone… that would be too tiring, id shit on some nd swoop down on others stealing hats nd keys nd stuff muahahaahaha lolah new zeland, id say thats a nice place alright, good rugby teams, mmm somehow i cant help but agree the birs suits u better than the fruit, tho not sure if he flies or not, still, imagine the news headlines, the two of us bombarding the people with shit nd stolen hats nd keys lol
Hey Procel…I’m bored…lmao…for the first time in weeks there aren’t a kazillion posts waiting to be commented on…hahaha That would be my secondary motive…muahahaha
I would love to fly around with the likes of you…like Robin Hood of the bird world…swooping down and robbing from the rich…and shitting in their eye…and dropping their treasures on the poor…for a handful of fruit and nuts…which you use in the next rich person raid eh? Anyone that doesn’t agree with us???…here’s shit in yer eye…hahaha
Hey Andy,
Who is the great THEY…I mean when you say can’t that is one thing…but when you say DO NOT…that is the law of man…sooooo…whose the man that thought up that one? And btw…what would you like to change your life force into?
well i shall create more posts for u to comment on in the weeks ahead so :-p have one titled how to ask for help (or something close to that) if u wish to lend ur wisdom. ah wouldnt it be fun to fly with friends? robbing shit for the thrill nd giving it away for a different thrill, such fun that could be had! hahah tomatoes to the rich bread to the poor :-p
>>>what if u gave away life force in order to kill urself, technically its not destroying it, merely changing its host, like giving all ur organs nd blood away 😮 also i believe that we are made of energy (life force is close enough) nd energy cannot be created or destroyed merely changed from one form to another so techincally u wouldnt be destroying urself merely changing urself…<<<
I consider giving up the will (the energy, the force) to live as distinct from using it to destroy life form. Of course I agree with the notion of totality neither being created nor destroyed but form deformed transformed reformed. Nonetheless, if we adopt such a general principle for human morality we will run into problems, for then anything and everything is fair game–we could rape pillage murder and claim, what's the big deal, just another life transformation.
This thread is getting is getting awfully philosophical; you’d better stop now before i write a lengthy post that no one will want to read. Don’t taunt me: i’ve done it before.
>>>Hey Andy,
Who is the great THEY…I mean when you say can’t that is one thing…but when you say DO NOT…that is the law of man…sooooo…whose the man that thought up that one? And btw…what would you like to change your life force into?<<<
There is no great THEY, I just made it up, it seemed reasonable and sensible to me at the moment, and I did leave an escape clause for exceptional cases.
As to what I would like to change my life force into: I would like my awareness to join general cosmic awareness upon dissolution of my present form.
I see many red-tailed hawks around here. They are beautiful. Once when I was walking on the bridle path, I saw a hawk slam into a dove perching on an oak branch…poof, feathers, hawk flies off with the now truly peaceful dove in claw.
@Andy…okay note to self…I don’t want to be no dove…hahaha Thanks for explaining what is reasonable and sensible to you…wait…I think I can cure you…jk As to your dream to join general cosmic awareness upon dissolution of your present form…I think that’s double talk for dead…hahaha…you will get your wish for sure…but that oneness is available now…why wait? So glad that your hypothesis is just that and not some new Amurican law or such…lmao
@Scar…consider yourself taunted…hahaha What would you like to change into? hunh?
Sorry Procel…got lost eh? Gonna dream about it this very night…hahaha Yes it would be lovely to fly with friends…and I think I like your tomato/bread thing…ayup
Can we have a club with a cool name? Just kidding. Look forward to harassing you on many posts to come young man…oooh I just remembered how handsome you are…is your hair still cut short? I liked it a wee bit longer myself…made you more mysterious…hahaha.
Love ya
@Ama: you ask: why wait? I reply: because you can always kill yourself (or attempt to) tomorrow or the day after, what’s the rush? And when you bear the burden of misery and despair long enough, as you likely know, you make adjustments and adaptations, learn to cope by discovering the joy of misery.
Ahhhh Andy…lightbulb moment…AHA…you’re coming at the whole thing all bass ackwards…lmao
Seriously…it is available while still very much physically alive and btw…you never said what you would change into?
I don’t want to change into anything specific. My hope is to become one with the all-seeing eye of the way of the all in everything. I want to become what I already am but do not fully realize.
Jeez Andy…one way to realize your dreams…just wake up…haha
Seriously…would be harder to become a kangaroo or a hawk or a chicken…haha…where’s your sense of adventure? The other will happen without any risk. If you could be anything other than human?
hey didn’t mean to break in to your conversation i just wanted to say i’ve been reading your conversations with others and i’m really sorry for the things i’ve said in the past i had no idea what you have been thru your my favorite hippie chicikie.
Hey Rocketman…what the hell are you raving on about?…lol What did you say? And was I in the room? Sorry I haven’t got back to you …but busy playing vigilante Auntie Ama…my alter ego….tehetehe
So could you explain to the simple old steezing hippy chick exactly what the heck you are on about?
Love ya
Sounds like those painkillers kicked in, Ama 🙂 and I don’t know about becoming some being other than human–but for the adventure, a whale or a dolphin, I suppose.
How about a narwahl Andy…they got a sharp pointy thing on their heads…hahaha…now your thinking eh? If I only knew how to swim…lol And no painkillers here Andy…scrip for medical marijuana…don’t be jealous…hahaha…but muuuuch better now…I should be able to sleep soon…You??
First, I am not a jealous person; and second, I also have a doctor’s recommendation for medicinal marijuana which I am about to smoke (the weed, not the rec) after this reply. I should be able to sleep soon too, hopefully.
Peace unto peace,
Ahhh…now things become clearer…I get it…you’re a steezer too…hahaha…not the rec…hahaha What country are you in? That you can get it? Canada here.
Ahhhhh….now we can solve all the world’s friggin problems…it’s so painfully clear….zzzzz…hahaha
Have a good one Andy ya old steezer
I am here in California, now between hits (tokes), simultaneously wanting to return to the bowl and wanting to be sure exactly what is a steezer.
Hahaha….a skater term for a weed smoker…or so I’m told…silly kids are probably having one over on me…stoopid old woman. At first I thought they were calling me a skeezer…hahaha.
Enjoy Andy…and sweet dreams…sweet smoke swirled dreams.
Clock likewise, Ama.
did someone call me? hehe 🙂