Most days, I wish I hadn’t been born. I didn’t ask to be alive. I’m asking to die. I could careless how it happens I just wish it would. I’ve been taking my medication and it’s not working. It makes me really want to pass life. I want to be somewhere better. School is starting to depress me even more and stress me out. Everyone is so happy. It kinda frustrates me that I can’t be happy. I’m afraid of what people think about me. I don’t even want to be in the classrooms. My history teacher thinks I skip just to skip. I don’t skip.. I have too much stuff to do with counselors and doctors so I miss school quite a lot. I don’t want people to have the impression that I’m a school skipper. So when I came back Monday my history teacher in front of the whole class asked me when I was going to skip again I told him wednesday and I didn’t go wednesday nor Thursday, or Friday. I was afraid to go back. Afraid to be humiliated in front of the class. I wish I had the guts to tell everyone what is happening to me. I don’t even know how I’m going to make up all the work I missed. I wish I had a glass box, not a very big one, just big enough for me to be in.. In the middle of nowhere with nobody around. Just me in my box.
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