I’m a male, 23, and I’ve had sex, but just with one girl a few times. She was my g/f for a while. Then I broke up with her. It’s this depression I’ve had since I was young. Anyways, I just recently broke up with her and I regret it. It was due to my depression I know it. And dealing with my depression I feel like I’m all alone because everyone I talk to is always doing something sexual with someone else. I hear about it all the time. Someone’s always texting someone or hooking up with someone. And I’m not. I just can’t get anyone interested in me it seems. And it hurts because I feel like they have this outlet as a coping mechanism that I don’t have and it hurts real bad. I feel powerless with this and I feel alone-no one I know is like me right now. I just don’t get it and I feel like I’m missing out and there’s nothing I can do about it and it makes me even more depressed. I can’t even talk to my friends-they always bring up their successes. It just hurts. What’s goimng on??
If it bothers you that much to not have this “outlet” available to you then what was so bad about your girlfriend that you decided you wanted to break up? You chose to insert yourself back into the single life and yeah… kinda hard to have sex alone. First of all, not everyone is with someone. You’re just letting yourself believe that because you’re choosing to focus on it. Secondly, referring to sex as a “coping mechanism” that people have seems kind of bizarre. Sex shouldn’t be seen as a way to cope with anything. Well, I guess it’s a free world and if you want to treat sex as a coping mechanism you have the right to feel that way. I’ve just never heard it described that way before. Most would want sex to be something meaningful, something involving love, not just a coping mechanism that distracts you from depression for a while. Being in a couple does have benefits like physical intimacy but there’s a whole lot of drama and other crap that comes with relationships. This year is the first time I’ve been single for a long time in recent memory and I am learning to appreciate the single life again. Yes there are downsides to being alone but there are many upsides too.
Honestly, if it’s not a big priority to you that sex must involve love or real feelings, and you just miss hooking up with someone, you just miss the physical release it provides you, and honestly if that’s all you’re really after, you can load up porn and handle that by yourself.
If you really meant to say that you miss the companionship and the love of having a girlfriend, well okay then, that’s something different. But don’t get into relationships with people just because you miss the physical act of sex. Life doesn’t have to be about sex and it can lead you into getting into relationships for all the wrong reasons and with all the wrong people.
Are you going out and trying to get with people ?
Maybe try to get you ex back. If you just split because of your depression, then you can try to fix that. And she could help ? If she makes you happy then thats good right ??
It’s depression again. I know that feeling. You’re really not as boring or ugly a you think you are. Yes, having sex is a huge mood booster, but I urge you to try and work things out in your had before you had before you go making things more complicated perhaps between your current feelings for your ex and your feelings about other women, because that could make things worse.
But if you know how you feel and you’re okay with that, then by all means, have at it.
I kinda use sex to help me feel better. My bf just left me . && with out him i wanna die , but if you ever need someone to talk to im here …or email me hneblo@rocketmail.com
In a way, I can relate. I used to be with this one guy for two years and he was my first in sex as I was his. We happened to have other problems and that is why we split. Not even a month later I find out that he has taken his ex out on dates and gives her flowers. And soon they will get together and most likely they will end up having sex. It is a very heart braking and shocking experience. if i understand you correctly, I feel as if I can relate to you. It makes me sick that other people are never bothered about having multiple sexual partners. I feel like I have been robbed and in a touchy way, raped. I feel like everyone else has something going for them and they are one step ahead of me. I feel as if I cannot take on the world and also find someone who will will dedicate a relationship with me no matter how hard it gets. I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel like I can relate to you. And u really want to be able to help you and understand you more. Everyone has unique problems therefor everyone needs their own unique techniques to get out if them. I wish you good luck in your life and although I can’t promise you things will get better i hope that they eventually will.