I’m so sick of hurting- fybromyalgia; degenerative disc disease,arthritis…. no doctors help- they are fearful pussies in my experience. No more money for another, and another “doctor” appt. Four bottles of tylenol- that should finish it. Fuck you fearful doctors who are afraid to prescribe. Check out the UK opiate program- a civilized program. I would like to hike and ride my horses, but I can’t anymore. I’m done. All mds and gps take heed. I have to end it all because you are too afraid.
I said I was done with this site and I guess I lied.
Look, Tylenol is SUCH a painful way to go. It’s a long, lingering, massively painful way to go. I survived it because I chickened out soon after swallowing them and sought emergency care, but such pain and I almost died anyway.
Really, it hurts. Think twice.
Imagine vomitting over and over again, wretching horribly, hour after hour as big holes are punched in your liver deep inside your body.
And I’m sorry about the pain you’re going through. I wish I could help and that they had a better pain management program there.
Thank you for your compassion.
It’s the very least I can do, sweet. I do think you should have the right to access effective pharmaceuticals to relieve pain, or end your life, or do the first even if it risks the second, provided your aware of it and approve.
It’ll be okay. I know that I’m not much of a help, but sometimes it’s nice to hear. Stay Strong <3