I hate it when guys ask for nudes or want to fuck?? Seriously I just want the right one .<3 but idk of he will appear. Every guy I've dated / talk to hurt me . Can I just get a caring guy???? Im tierd of hurting maybe if I go away it will stop. 🙁
hello 🙂
Hey 🙂
hi my name is Tim, im probly too old for you, im 27… but i would love you, and i value love over sex… just thought i should let you know, that there are guys like me out there, although most like me are at the point of giving up, cuz it seems like girls dont really want the same… but maybe “lovers” are just rare or something… i dunno… but im around if you wanna talk or whatever 🙂
Hehe (: I emailed yoou.. I like older guys (;
I want you to love me .. Email me back? hneblo@rocketmail.com(:
Hm. I wonder….15 year old who likes older guys now having fun with a 27 year old? Oh my that could be troublesome, but then again the 27 year old might be honorable and not my worst fear o:
I was thinking the same thing. Oh well, what can you do.
haha there are plenty of caring guys out there, they the guys in the friend zone, or the ones no girl looks twice at, funny how that happens isnt it
LOL procel im that guy~
Not worth a second look
and every girls best friend c:
@ @TheEnd, im sure damn near every guy on here is “that guy” prehaps we should become complete and utter dicks, that way we get to fuck assholes and pussys alike 😉 Appolagies for that, had a flash back to that movie team america i think? with those puppets, nd ur man makes the speach about them being dicks? anyone know what im talking about?
Ahahaha its the jerk theory i think. I had a best friend, she wouldnt give me a chance I was just a friend, her current boyfriend calls her all kinds of name and shes still with him, pffffft. Maybe I should be a dick and get all the girls ;D
Oh and yeah I know a lot of the guys here are “the friend” or “that guy girls walk by and never look at again”
ah trust me i usto have that friend too, man i was absolutly crazy over her nd she knew it too… eventually saw her for the manipulative **** she was nd deleted her number (which i still have memorised somehow) nd deleted her off facebook (annoyingly i did that before i started seeing someone so now she has no idea im kinda spoken for -_-) well getting all the girls isnt always a good thing, theres bound to be a psycho mixxed up in there somewhere nd knowing the luck of people on here we would find said psycho first time lmao, no offence to anny and all females reading this.
Hahaha who’s to say we wont be the psycho they find? Guys can be psycho too. I’ve yet to date a total psycho but most girls have been a little…crazy. I dunno having all those girls might be fun (: And id rather not talk about the girl anymore
Hahaha! Had to laugh at your comment, procel. No offense taken 😉 Most people are on here because they have some sort of issue and want to connect with others. But, some, like myself, are here simply to help. Believe me though, only immature girls go for the dicks, because they don’t know what they want yet. Keep being who you are and eventually the right girl will see it!
Not gonna lie, AtTheEnd, women are crazy. But to be fair, men are stupid. 😉
well that is true, i mean lets face it man none of us are 100% sane, if we were wed either be living happy lifes or already dead lol, yeah talking about girls is boring i mean give most of em an xbox controller nd they be like, da fuck???
@dravenxx im glad no offence was taken tho i did offer plenty muaha. am, well people on a suicide foroum looking for a connection with another person is rarely a good idea, i mean one unstable person in a realtionship is bad enough let alone two.
men are not stupid… just unobservent in some cases.
It’s amazing how many people find love or whatever the kids call it these days on suicide sites. Hasn’t happened to me though, yet. I thank my lucky stars.
I agree, most (if not all) people are on here because they have some sort of issue and want to connect with others, including those whom like yourself, dravenxx, claiming to be here simply to help. 🙂
@ Andy if that were not the case then no one would be here. People have different motives but motives nonetheless.
Agreed, Duke of Marmalade.
Procel – Oh man, I used to play xbox every day back when Halo 3 was the best game ever hahah. I completely agree that two unstable people getting into a relationship is a recipe for disaster. However, that is for them to find out.
Andy – I won’t lie, I have my fair share of problems as does everyone else. I have battled depression in the past, and while it doesn’t just disappear, I am better now. I’m just here to help others because I have been there before. Duke was spot on. 🙂
@dravenxx im sorry but u are female right? if so u now have my undying respect muahahaha 😀 ah i found out the hard way, caring for people from here (in any way more than awsome friends) is the worst idea ever. Dom man, wheres my hello?
That’s not entirely what I meant. A lot of people stumble on the site by accident and then find they like it and want to befriend people because it’s easy.
Hello Procel!
😀 why hello Dom i almost didnt see u there, what a nice supprise 😉 how u doing man?
nd ya what isit about socially akward people being better at befrending people online than in person?
Duke – Yes, that does happen. We are all here for one reason or another.
Procel – Haha yeah. I have not directly experienced that, but by watching others experience it, and by sheer common sense, I know it would not end well
well as my mother says common sense isnt all that common :-p besides theres always the belief that u can save that person no matter the cost to urself. which is always a bad thing for someone that dosnt care about themselfs as its hard to stop before ur broken lol
Haha that’s very true. Yeah, that’s why I think that everyone should take care of their personal problems before getting into a relationship and throwing all that baggage onto their partner. I just don’t understand when people get into relationships just to heal the pain they are currently in, and expect it to solve their problems. Most likely, it will only cause more pain in the end. (And yes, I’m referring to the OP with that, lol). But, I’m not here to lecture, so I’ll stop talking now. 🙂
Haha, im confused lol
There’s nothing wrong with friends ?? . ATM im scared to have a bf because idk if there going to hurt me or not,
i think the relationships act as a distraction, or were ment to, like self harming really lol
It don’t matter ill be dead anyways before any guy will take me serious
guys are simple, they treat u at or close to the level u treat urself. u want to be treated well nd be taken seriously by a guy? believe u deserve to be trreated that way
Brokenheart, I know how you feel. I recently went through a very rough break up, so I know you are in pain. This may not help to hear, but you are only 15… you have SO many years left to experience. Guys will come in and out of your life, just as friends will. Unfortunately, you have to go through these hard break-ups in order to realize what you really want in a guy. Once you have that figured out, you will find the right guy. But as for now, you really shouldn’t be worrying about guys! And you especially shouldn’t consider suicide because of them. I know you are hurting right now, but I promise it will get better. You just have to wait and see 🙂
Im tierd of waiting 🙁
You are young .o.
Hold up. You think you’re gonna find prince charming at 15? Pfffft cmn you know you have more sense than that. We wont find someone all that great so soon. Hm. A guy that takes you seriously? you might find one c: I’d volunteer but um in my eyes you’re a little girl lol and I’m onyl 18 LOLOLOL. ANYWAY point is guys are no reason to kill yourself. Killing yourself because you haven’t found a great guy at 15 seems silly but I guess it’s a major thought in your mind. Concentrate on school, friends, yourself? I mean cmn life doesnt revolve around relationships. I should listen to my own advice then again I have more issues that make me suicidal. Point is guys aren’t worth it 8D i love apples c:
Im so tierd of being called a little girl . Im in high school im not a little girl.
I can’t wait any longer im done i just can’t do it . Ere are so many reasons .
My dad commited suiside , people hate me . I mess up everything I was a mistake . I don’t know why I was even born .
There **
Well let us know when you’re ready to talk…can’t help you if you don’t want help eh? No matter how much we wish we could. Ya know….lead a horse to water…can’t make them drink.
Hope you find yourself again
What can I say , I said it all.
&AtTheEnd you never texted back . :/
Sorry brokenheart15…haven’t been around for a while eh? So what i would like to know is who do you feel sorry for other than yourself? What colour eyes do you have? And would you like a chocolate or vanilla cupcake? What did you used to want to be when you grew up? Oh man…got a kajillion questions…like usual…lol
You’re just going at this kinda all wrong if you really want us to help eh…just my opinion…nosy old woman….but i care.
I feel sorry for the person who gave birth to me . I have hazel eyes . I like chocolate cupcakes and before my dad died i wanted to be a rn , 🙁
We can sure as hell dunk the horse in a lake and force it to drink @.@
oh you can give the horse an apple, they love apples and they provide nutrients~
mmmm apples…i love apples… but I Love ATE even more
Hey brokenheart15,
Hazel eyes and chocolate cupcakes…beautiful and good taste as well. Not sure I liked the first answer tho…maybe I should rephrase the question. Do you feel more sorry for old people, sick people, homeless people, starving people, people living in war zones, people who wear plaid, people with bad hair? Get it…hahaha
Also…I’m not going to try to talk you into anything…even pursuing your dream of being a nurse…why? Because my love…you are grieving…that is the sum total of it. It can get better…but it never goes away…just gets easier. But right now nothing is easy is it? So don’t be so hard on yourself…try to get as much help as you can…stop pushing the people who care away…because you are afraid to lose them too…and learn to love you…you really are special under all that pain and fear.
Nice to finally meet you
Lots of Love