Ken that way when your head is all over the shope, your heart is beating like it’s goin out of fashion, your struggling to breath and all you can think about is topping yersel? apparently it’s a mix of anxiety and depression, accordin to my psychiatrist. It’s pretty damn difficult ta deal with and these pills are supposed to be helping, but do they fuck!
Anyway i found a way of dealing with it! I went to a bridge over a dual carriageway round fae my house and looked over the edge, had a few ciggies and thought about jumping. For some reason when i thought about it kind of stopped the panicking ken? calmed me a bit! It was weird as fuck like. Could have jumped but for some reason didn’t!
Fuck Knows!
1 comment
Maybe it calmed you because it made you think you had a way out? A place to leave? Perhaps that’s comforting?