1. Say goodbye in letter, you’d write.
2. Buy gun.
3. Do with the gun what you’d be supposed to do, kill, yet not yourself. So, do what you’d not supposed to do with a gun, kill yourself.
4. Having no control, yet no need for it, being in an eternal state of, nothingness.
5. Enjoying life to the fullest, experiencing nothing.
Well, if I find a way, or anyone for that matter, to feel in control again, to experience positive emotions, and all which makes me feel hopeful, motivated, etc. Then that would be the (and possible better) way out.
1. Say goodbye in letter, you’d write.
2. Buy gun.
3. Do with the gun what you’d be supposed to do, kill, yet not yourself. So, do what you’d not supposed to do with a gun, kill yourself.
4. Having no control, yet no need for it, being in an eternal state of, nothingness.
5. Enjoying life to the fullest, experiencing nothing.
^ nice comment. But seriously. Dying may seem like the only way out but it’s not. Find the spark in you & don’t let anyone put it out. <3
Well, if I find a way, or anyone for that matter, to feel in control again, to experience positive emotions, and all which makes me feel hopeful, motivated, etc. Then that would be the (and possible better) way out.
So really, you have two.
@timofthepast: I like the poetry of your list… If you ever want someone else to talk to, drop me a line. Peace.
your plan stinks! think of something better.