i haven’t been on here in months. didnt go to school for two weeks and nobody even noticed. Not one message, nor one single phone call. Proof no one cares about me. No one will miss me when I die, and I think the time for me to do so is now.
i want your life
Please. Talk to me. Email me and tell me everything. I care.
Did you let anyone know you are in pain? Have you shown these people that you care about them lately?
I hate to put it that way, but caring is a two way street. Don’t get me wrong – I think the same things often. But, I realize that it’s me putting myself at a distance somewhat too. Maybe one or more of those people that you’re thinking about are feeling the same thing as you are. That you don’t care about them. Before you make any final choices, maybe you should call them to tell them you care.