I can’t live like this anymore. Nothing seems to be enough reason to stay. Not my husband. Not my children. If the devil really exists, he’s FINALLY won this 19 year battle with me. at only 29 years old — I am no longer strong. I feel so weak. My health is poor — yet better than most. I have everything and desire nothing. I dwell too much on the coulda-woulda-shoulda- that I can’t see the now, And the worst part of all is I am aware of everything and care not to change any of it, I want to die. I long for death and am not afraid of the after life. The only thing is that my daughters ages 3,6 and 9 shall join me in my journey to cross over. I cannot leave them alone like my mother left me so that they can turn out like me or get raped or attacked by a pervert pedophile. I’d much rather them go with me so that my soul may R.I.P. and so that theirs so not get soiled. I care nothing for no one. I am numb all of my feelings have dissipated and turned to ash. I have the beginnings of homicidal tendencies. I often think of ways to kill complete strangers –and my children too when they make me angry. I care not to live more days upon this sickened earth.
if anyone reports me it will do no good — I will be dead soon. Last night I made Antifreeze jello. My daughters and I have just consumed it. Sorry… y adios.. Mi tiempo aqui ya se termino. goodbye.
throw it up or something. you shouldn’t choose your daughters life has to end and you shouldnt give up on yours. get medicinal attention immmediatly.
rocketman youre a douche for reacting the way you did. i mean, seriously..
I hope you did not do this, please respond
I hope you did not do this, please respond
or i guess im a douche. i apparently didnt read the post correctly.
killing yourself is one thing. taking your innocent childrens lifes so that YOUR soul may rest in peace is quite disgusting, yes.
Call me whatever you want! This woman is crazy and she needs to know what she is doing is wrong right now! she is on here for a reason and she’s has to realize that nobody agrees with her and she’s wrong, what do you want to tell her think about it? Those kids are in danger and need someone to wake her up.
you are not a douche your a fine person there is no absolute correct way to handle this post but i’m trying to help those kids they need it right now.
Hey how do we get admin to report this post and have the IP address tracked…is this even possible? Anyone know…have anything concrete that we can do?
Hey Christina and Rocketman…..I like douche…it makes me feel fresh…now calm down eh? We can really do nothing…don’t let this affect you anymore than humanly possible…let’s put our brains together eh? Maybe between us we can get a whole brain…hahaha…jk
I HATE THESE POSTS…i feel a little better…not
Hm. We need an admins attention, it’s possible that wordpress logs IP addresses so then it could be tracked to the home and the authorities could be called, but the person might be on a laptop or a computer somewhere like at library, plus we don’t have a full name or any information. Apples :c
Hey ATE…good thinking…will report the post. You are right…it might do nothing…but I just can’t DO NOTHING….love ya
I won’t delete the post for now as it technically doesn’t break any rules although I am not happy about its contents. As a mod I can’t see the ip address or email address of users unless they post a comment. I’ll email admin now see if he can do anything.
I think its wrong to get the authorities involved ….
Woah I read it wrong.. Nevermind um yes someone should save this post and try getting help for this lady
… Speechless.
Thank you Strontium
I also have a feeling she is USA as she said jello, I am UK so wouldn’t know how to go about reporting this to an authority in the US. Plus I don’t know the site policy on involving the authorities. I have emailed admin so will wait for guidance.
Is this a joke? This is sickening.
if you make a site like this, you gotta know what kind of people are on it, theres gotta be a way to get to this woman and her poor children.
your right i feel fresh as a daisy! i’m going to change my handle to SUMMER BREEZE! he he
I do not want to seem coldhearted, but I made the decision not to call authorities on people based only on an internet post. If others notify authorities, that is their decision and I support it. As for this post, all I can say is: Forgive them dear Lord, for they know not what they do.
All i wanted is to.write.how.i.feel. who are u fucks to judge.me. maybe i will seek help though i doubt.it.will do me.much good seeing as how my pain and depression deepens. Would.u really.leave.ur.kids.to.foster care.for some.pervert to have their.way with them and kick.them.to.the.curb at 18??? I wouldnt…i would.rather take.mine with me. They are my responsibility no one elses. I have.no other family for.them.to.go to. Why would i leave them.with strangers. Like.i said THEY ARE MINE… though i would never hurt.them.just to live.without them i would take them.with me. Not.really.feelin the antifreeze thing dont want.them to.suffer — maybe anyother way will suffice.and will b quicker — carbon monixide. Thanks for all ur ” support” or lack there of. I did make.the.jello. but.i cant.let them.suffer. they deserve.to not feel pain. … please no more.comments… take.my.original post.down… its.over.
It’s not over, life isn’t easy but we try to find and easy escape to it, which is death… If you are unhappy and you’re unhappy by everything around, then be selfish, don’t think about how your life makes you unhappy because of your husband or whatever, think about you, think that you want to be happy, there most be something besides death… think! Think about it, the littlest thing that can bring you a little smile on your face and don’t take your kids with you, you could’ve save them all the suffering but you choose to bring them to this world, now they are your responsability so make the best of it for them! Yeah life is tough but you only get to live once so even though most of it is really hard those little happy moments we get once in a while , make it really worth it! Change they way you think, you are here for a reason, I believe we all are! Not everything is happiness all the time, specially if we never try…
Thank you and I’m sorry for being so…………… harsh I apologize you did the right thing.
Not everyone in the world are perverts someone out there will help you, even us people would help you, please seek some help, again you did the right thing so you’re not crazy you just need a little TLC
Hello los.tsoul,
You did not ask for help…you made a statement…and it was very horrible. You upset a lot of good people on this site…that would have been there for you…and still will be…but this melodramatic stuff is not okay. I don’t know your story…but you posted that you had ultimately killed your children and were going to kill yourself…and then you go silent….what the hell did you expect any of us to do? I would really like to know in future. If you do not understand this…then you are in trouble…and I would run…not walk…and get help. You shouldn’t have to leave your children…you should fight on for them.
We are not paid professionals here…but a volunteer army of fellow sufferers…as such what you did was hard for some of us to see and feel helpless about.
If you want help…want to talk…then do so…but no more lies and threats…that is not how to ask for help.