I want to die.. not that i wanna kill myself exactly.. but i want to die.. i want to see what the other side is like.. is it better? is there a heaven? a hell? will i become someone new, with a different life? I think about My Sisters Keeper, when the little girl says something about there only being so many souls in existence, they just keep being placed in different bodies, both human and animal. if thats true.. i hope my next life is extravigent and beautiful.. and if not, id love to be an animal.. i lion maybe? strong. fierce. king of everything. and they dont have to deal with these horrible emotions humans have
Nxt life will be black.
whar do you mean?
There is no second life. When you die, you are gone forever.
Hey, alot of people have deep questions about what life is made of and the connection between life and death. There is nothing wrong with these types of questions and they do not necessarily need to be feared. Take a look at the thoughts you are having without judgement and you will see that they start to appear and disappear without really hurting you. It can be tabot to talk about death in society but how can we talk about life without questioning the cycle. Don’t wait until the next life but look at yourself now and see that all life is happening in front of you. Use your attention to find the route of your questions..who is the seer of them.
Love and peace
I wonder about what the next life will be like also. I’ve never had the chance to experience life here on earth. I’ve been controlled ever since I was a small child. So, I’m hoping that the next life will be a lot different. I’ll get to make my own decisions. I’ll be comfortable living in my own skin. I’ll get to smile and laugh. I’ll get to live a life free of fear, judgement, criticism, and humiliation. But, the one main thing I look forward to is someone loving me. I want to see myself show love and be loved. I want to see how confident I can be with the support that most other people have.
I wouldn’t mind being an animal either. And I can see why you would want to be a lion.
it bothers me some that people dont accept death.. they wont talk about it. but no o0ne knows for sure.. yes the bible tells you what happens after you die, but it was people who were living that wrote what happens.. im not saying i dont believe in heaven, i do. very much so. but its just a point i like to make, you do not know for sure.
and yes being a lion would be magnificent..
Hey Abselom,
Yeah in some ways unless someone has direct experience, how could anybody know. Life appears to be a mystery and people have tried to put an understanding on it but we are all in the mystery adventure together. It sounds like you want to explore this further, why not ? It is valid inquiry..what is your nature and what is your nature when this apparent life is complete. Some people such as Alan Watts and Mooji..you can find on youtube have interesting insights??I like to start with my direct experience of now..what do I know for sure..mostly that I am here. What about you ?