I’ve been considering suicide for years now. I lost my job, but I have about 15 years of cash to sit on, that I worked my ass off for, while I do what I love – hiking, etc. I’m only 27 years old. I guess I consider this an early retirement. Nobody around here is wanting to hire me. Fuck them. While they’re slaving away for a 60-something retirement that may never happen, I’ll be living out my life happier than they’ll ever be. I’m a plan ahead kind of guy. I had to watch my grandmother go on hospice who never got to enjoy what she worked so hard for. I miss her so much. Anyways, back to relaxing while fishing on the river.
Hiking is one of my favorite things to do, too. I feel the most tranquil when I’m outside, alone. It makes all that other crap like jobs, money, etc. really sink into perspective: they’re such silly concepts. People flock together and waste their lives away trying to build the biggest bank account. They end up not even spending the money, going to the grave with it, while selfish children argue over who gets what. It’s a sick cycle. And, even though I value hard work and understand that – though a weird concept – we must follow certain societal norms, it’s much more important to focus on your own mental and physical well being. I really hope that you choose to retire early from BS, but don’t retire early from life by committing suicide.
You are very lucky you have the chance to retire early i really wish i could work towards that. I’ve been working a dead end job that makes me miserable for a long time now. Take the opportunity while you have it. But what are you going to do when you run out?
I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself with those early retirement plans. My god, what a concept. Hooray for realizing what the norm is and being willing to go against it! Maybe by actually allowing yourself pleasure in life, you’ll find something you’re passionate about and live toward it. That idea ALMOST sounds a bit too idealistic, but there’s at least a chance of it being true. Best wishes!