my girlfriend left for america months ago and we had a long distance relationship and we were talking over skype and then she told me that we can no longer be together because I am very far. I can’t stand this it has been 4 months we aren’t talking. I have spended a year with her and I can’t move on. I have decided that I want to suicide so I will be with her and I ordered painkillers and I am gonna take alot of them.
You can’t die to be with her…she is in America…not dead. You’re not thinking clearly? Or is there a language barrier in play here?
Agokuz, please don’t harm yourself! Heartbreak hurts, so badly. any probably worse than any pain you’ll feel in your life. but it does pass. what was your life like before you met this girl? I know it’s hard to picture a life without her – but try to imagine all the things you could be doing! you could be having fun, making friends.. you’ll be happy again, I promise. but you need to give it a chance, and that takes time.
It’s like as soon as I get onto this website, I can’t type properly!
it’s been 4 months your almost over the hurdle hang in there.
it’s almost impossible to OD properly