I’m so over this! I can’t believe the things you say sometimes. I thought we were friends before this week, I even liked you most of the time unlike everyone else. Every time everyone else would be talking about how annoying you are and how much they hated you I never joined in, because I thought we were ok. I tried so Damn hard to be friends with you, and to answer your questions about religion but apparently nothing I did matters at all! I hate you so much right now! When you say things like, “Aspen and Makell are the ones that helped me the most,” or “The only friend I have here is Aspen,” I feel like I DON’T EXIST! You don’t understand how much something like that hurts me! I feel useless and forgotten and unappreciated, I feel like NOTHING! You make me want to kill myself sometimes! Every time you walk in the room my mood just plummets into the ground. I feel horrible when you’re around. I don’t understand how you don’t realize how much everyone hates being around you! You think that nobody likes each other here and that none of us are friends but really everyone likes everyone else except for you! How do you not see that? You need to start thinking before you say things because you have absolutely no regard for how what you say makes other people feel. You have no regard for the feelings of other people period. You constantly judge everyone else when the only person you need to be judging is you, but you don’t. It’s like you think you never do anything wrong but you freak out if anyone else so much as drops a pillow on the floor. I’m so sick of you, and to be honest I’m afraid of you, I am a very non-confrontational person so I don’t know how to tell you all of this. I wish that we could be friends but I’m so done! I’ve done everything I could possibly do and you’ve done nothing. I don’t want to hate anyone but I can’t help it anymore. You’re forcing me to blow up. I’m going to explode one of these days! I’m so sick of you, I’m so sick of your attitude, I’m so sick of the way you make me and everyone else here feel. GROW the Hell UP!!!!!! I freaking can’t stand this anymore.
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