I know none of you want to hear this and I presume most of you will not listen to me but please try. Im begging you, do not give up. Death is not an answer. Suicide is the easy way out and shows no stength. You need to hold on. There is people who care about you and if not, I care.. Life is precious and there are hundreds of thousands of people who die every single day who didnt want to, who chose life but got it ripped from their grasp without a choice. The most selfish thing you could do is to kill yourself knowing that there is others who would have done anything to stay alive. Every single living breathing thing is a miracle and every single person is lucky to be a part of it. I know I havent been through the same things as many of you have but I know enough that even if you dont see it there is people who really care about you. So I am desprately asking you, find help. Make an effort to be happy. Go see a therapist or find comfort in a family member. TALK TO SOMEONE. how your feeling isnt forever, but death is. Even if you dont see it hope is everywhere. There are good people everywhere. There is help everywhere. For me and for everyone who cares about you, try. Good thinks can arise from the darkest of places.
I’m sick and tired of reading the same, old “death is permanent, your problems aren’t” line everywhere I go.
Can’t you guys come up with other arguments to turn us away from considering and attempting suicide? It’s always this or “there are people who care for you”…
Also, “make an effort to be happy”… like I didn’t.
Thanks for nothing.
Thanks for saying what we all were thinking everynamewastaken
I don’t want to be to harsh on the OP but i can only assume it was ignorance that caused you to give us ‘life is precious’ platitudes.
If you have felt suicidal, you would know that what you have written is complete tosh. The annoying thing when reading these type of messeges is i always have hope for some sort of connection, a bit of empathy even, just a sign to let me know that someone knows what i’m going through and i’m fed the same crap time and again.
Listen i think (if genuine) it is a considerate gesture. Maybe suicide has affected your life directly or indirectly, but what you have written is very typical of most careless individuals as it ignores the fact that suicidel might be a legitamate solution to some problems. Also, no point in talking to others who have not gone through depression, etc. as i prefer to trust someone who can exchange an experience of pain rather than a Dr. whose paid to listen.
your heart is in the right place but every situation is different most people are fighting and have been fighting and are worn out, nobody throws the towel in over nothing, a pep talk is good sometimes on an individual basics but not on a general one, some people are terminal, some people are un fixable.
I agree. We’ve all tried. It’s almost futile, really. But sometimes, I submit, sometimes suicide CAN be the best choice.
The OP’s sentiment is obviously heartfelt, but I agree that it displays a fair degree of ignorance insofar as attempting to communicate with the suicidal is concerned. Telling a deeply depressed person that they’re being selfish is not going to help anyone.
About the only positive observation I can make about the OP’s post is that at least they didn’t spin that old ‘God’ nonsense.