Maybe we should all just be having more sex and eating more chocolate. Really. (Unless you’re too young for the former in which case you should double up on the latter.) Sex releases endorphins, which are natural opiates, and chocolate contains several compounds that induce pleasure. Who needs Prozac?
I love this idea! I completely agree <3
I’m not even joking either! There are so many ways to self-medicate in good ways. Exercise is another one–it naturally releases endorphins, the happy opiate. Doing anything that makes you happy releases endorphins!
i personally like the idea of lots of sex and smoking a shit ton of bud and painting <3
Thats damn right.
Well. Mhmmm the former isn’t all that *umm* good for people of my age, and I hate chocolate. What do I do???
I don’t know, hang around suicide sites. Do you ever go to ******? I hear that’s a good place to take your mind off depressing thoughts
the problem for me (and i believe many others on here as well) is that sex without a real emotional connection is actually more harming than not. and it’s the complete and total loneliness that manages to hinder our having that sex.
i literally cannot have sex, unless i feel that bond. i can’t, and i won’t. it’s not that i am a prude, it’s just the way my mind, body and heart have to work together.
but, if you all can go at it like the ancient greeks and do the whole hedonism thing, and it works to make you fulfilled, then go for it.
Yeah…that’s been my life for the last year and where did it get me? *sad smile* not that you guys aren’t fucking amazing. I’ve never been on ******…chat rooms in general freak me out. And I’m not usually on a computer so chat rooms kinda suck. I guess I’ll just talk about being sad on a forum some more, to people I’ve never met XD
At least I have Greed. He goes to the same school as me.
You went from goth to geek to goth or was it tother way around. So, what are you now?
I’m always both ^_^ just sometimes I try to look more normal not goth ish
Same here.
I’d say you’re looking more goth than usual. I’d say I’m looking more normal. Or maybe not.
When I was younger I never really had much regard for that lifestyle. Now I appreciate that being unique, having an identity is cool. Blending in to the crowd, who wants that
I’m not goth but I always dressin black.
:/ I wish I was more dressing for the sake of identity. Now it’s more “Are these clothes? Cool. Better wear them”
Goths usually hang out by the man on the horse. Do you have any monuments in your home town wheee the goths pay homage.
I don’t usually leave the house.
I thought I would meet more goths on here.
We meet at the grave yard, there is no other monument in our shitty town.
Yeah. I live right next to it.
Mhmm. I go there occasionally. And seriously?? I had no idea where your street is and I walk it four times a week..
Good point. Sex with someone you love is essential vs. promiscuous sex or sex with someone who wants to use your body. Love itself is an opiate.
I talking about the one by the town hall. Are u?
The old highschool right?
Yes. I live at the end of n. wayne st.
:/ I’ve probably passed your house a hundred times. I find that eerie. I don’t know why though.
Wait…why don’t you walk to school then?
Its to far.
Hmmm fair enough. It’d be getting away from your parents more though.
Good morning Ama,
You are a complete genius no! A super-duper genius! I think it probably might be a good idea to have sex and chocolate like once every 2 0r 4 hours just like taking medication! Except if you miss a dose for some reason you should double up next time or triple up to be on the safe side!
Hey Hey Rocketman,
I second your opinion. I just thought everyone knew that chocolate and sex were a good combination…atleast the ladies…hahaha
Chocolate does make you feel good…sorry Sol…and better than that…mmm…it makes everything taste better. Cocoa contains theobromine, a mild stimulant related to caffeine…which btw also reduces coughs for you fellow smokers…as does black tea. It also contains caffeine…which we all know the effects of…flavonols which are being shown to reduce the severity of arthritis and auto-immune disorders…which includes cancer…and last but not least…phenylethylamine(PEA). This is the good one…unhunh…the one that releases endorphins. PEA is also naturally produced by the brain when people are falling in love…so yeah…and all that makes me wanna have sex and a hot fudge brownie sundae with lots of whipped cream and nuts….I love nuts…hahaha…and one big cherry on top…lots of hot fudge…mmmm.
Well I don’t know about the rest of you…hehehehe…but I’m feelin’ much bettaaaahhh.
How are you doing today Mr. Rocketman?
Love ya
Doing just fine the other day I quit smoking cold turkey! (3) Packs a day! However between my nerve damage and addiction I almost went out of my mind! Yes it true I can even go out of my mind even more than I have already! I couldn’t get out of the bed, I took hot showers, I felt like I was dead and rag amorist had already set in, I needed a good massage hint hint, so…………….. I decided to cut back first! Yeah I know what’s rag amorist? It’s kind of like you’re on the rag and dead at the same time at least that’s what I’ve been told.
Hey Willow…sorry for hijacking your post…hehe
Rocketman…rag amorist? Are you kidding me?…haha…or do you just not know how to spell rigor mortis?…ahahaha Sorry you had to feel whatever that is…doesn’t sound pretty. Congrats on the quitting smoking? Is this just another form of self-abuse..haha…or was it necessary. You got more ballz then me…I am thoroughly addicted. I admit I smoke less now that I have to go outside to do it…but I will brave damn near any of the elements to get my fix. So kudos…and i wish you luck with it.
Looking for a masseuse? Keep looking…hahaha…some of my issues affect the use of my arms and hands…shame I used to give a damn good massage…Reiki…but no more…sigh. I’ve had to give up a lot of the things that I once loved for various physical reasons…I just keep looking for new ones. Any ideas?
Keep your stick on the ice
Ama, yes didn’t know how to spell it you seen through my deception “RATS AGAIN” yes I have lost of ideas! They involve chocolate + rubber gloves + hot tub + Pepto-Bismol. Sounds a little kinky eh!
Okay…ya lost me at rubber gloves and PEPTO BISMOL? Care to elucidate? lmao
I just called in SICK OF LIFE for today…hahaha. Was supposed to help my mom get her Giftmas crap outta the basement. I’d like to…but not today. I just told her I was having a day…she knows that I’ve done well so far…but that I suffer from SAD or seasonal affective disorder…I need my sunshine…sigh. So today is a day I have to force myself to do anything…and the first order of business is lots of sunshine…or a go with my full spectrum lighting…hahaha And then I need to force myself to take an inventory of what I need to accomplish…forgive myself cuz I won’t get most of them done…hahaha…and atleast keep trying to move forward. I love Xmas…but just wish we could move it to a warmer, sunnier month…hahaha Have gotten a lot of bad news this week with a forecast of more to come…so I’m hunkering down with my special lamp, my computer, lots of chocolate…and even more weed. Tomorrow is gonna come after all…wheeee
So what are you gonna realistically do this fine day? Wanna play hookey from life with me? hahahaha
Love ya
Pepto-Bismol? Can’t tell you top secret! Ssshhhh! No actually I put a hint out there “RAT†ever seen RAT RACE? That was one of the bets in the movie towards the end. I’m working I got a hundred people out there to watch, I’m going to the casino after work. The weather is nice here! Would love to play hockey with you! I bet we would tie! Like 10 to 10.hehe.
opps excuse me “HOOKEY” i’m so……embarassed i love to play hookey with you!
You can’t Rocketman…you’re already working…silly man. In order to play hookey…you have to call in wellll something. I am a firm believer in the efficacy of mental health days…hahaha
Nope…don’t know the movie or whatever…sorry. And why would you waste your time and money at a casino? Just kidding…well…atleast not judging…but not something I really get. It wasn’t even fun when it was someone else’s money I was gambling with. I guess maybe I’m just not a gambler…sigh I get a better charge out of doing something positive with my nickels…try to make a difference for someone else…I’m not looking to get rich…I already was. This is why I live the lifestyle I do…voluntary simplicity…I gave it all away. NOW WHO”S NUTZ???…hahahaha
Don’t fall down on the job old man…get to work…next time call in sick…hehehe
Love ya
I do good things with my money but i’m not giving it all away! little for them a little for me! and when i win! they get a little more! i won $12000.00 on a $2 scracther not a bad investment!
aw your right lately i’ve been losing alot!
Shit Rocketman…didn’t even give me a chance to change your mind…you changed it yourself. lol I did have a gambling addiction…quite a bad one…that is the real truth. But truly never enjoyed the casino location. We have one near here that is on a riverboat…still…meh.
Got lost…the neighbour just came to the door. His wifey has been baking up a storm…hormonal for sure…so he brought me some banana bread and peanut butter cookies. Guess what I’m doing right now…hahaha…mmmmm now all I need is some chocolate. In return I took him down to the creek for a little wake and bake…so there is where I have been and what I am up to on my mental holiday from life. You? What state are you actually in btw…just nosy…haha I mean he brought enough to share with my friends at any rate…but if you can’t get here…I’m gonna have to eat it all myself…hahaha