A few months ago a friend of mine told the councilors at school that i was planning to kill myself cause i wanted to tell them before i left…she left it anonymous but the councilors talked to my friends mom and my parents. i couldn’t do anything because i was on constant watch and in order to stop it i would ask to go to the store to just cry…Everyone is trying to get me help- but it’s not helping…all it’s doing is making things worse- I DONT WANNA THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH I SUCK ALL THE TIME… before this-i could control myslef-but now i can’t even cut myself to make me feel better… I’m having trust issues with this friend and i don’t know. i hate them- but i know i can only blame this situation I’m in on myself….its my fault. just like everything else in this world. and idkk what to do://
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my email if u want to talk hollyriggs@rocketmail.com
by all means you can trust me