Tired of everything being my fault seriously everything wrong in this relationship is my fucking fault there isn’t anything I can do right. I stopped caring awhile ago according everyone around me. They are right it’s all that’s worked for me. It’s what I know now. How do I change who I am? Do I even wanna change who I am? Not really I kinda like me for once. I know I can be an ass but I’m also pretty awesome. I’m such an ass cuz I feel so jaded. I feel like I’ve been held back and pinned down I want freedom and independence. I wanna prove I can take care of myself but the more ppl are negative the less I wanna do I know it should work the other way. But it doesn’t. I should work harder to prove them wrong but I don’t at least not at everything in life. I give up so easily now and I don’t even care. So ye there are parts if me that I don’t like. As with everyone but the things I’m being asked to change I don’t think u can change. Simple fact. A frog leaps and then
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You shouldn’t have to prove anything to no one if they love you they love you flaws and all… I have been down that road trying to be what they call a “People pleaser” it never works out it always makes you miserable in the end. You should be who YOU want to be not who THEY want you to be. and I doubt everything is your fault I used to think that too, I try so hard to be what others want me to be that when someone says something negative about me I literally beat myself up for not being good enough
You shouldn’t do that to yourself be happy with who you are and Fu*k what others think
I’m always here if you need someone to talk to email me
I’m always happy to talk to someone and try to help with whatever the bast I can.