Ever had those moments where you wish something never happened or regretted something bad you really did, and you wish you could start over and erase those past mistakes? I don’t mean to sound like a *****, but it will never happen. I nearly fail to realize it every day and I still think about all the bad things I did and about the times where I screwed up, and never realized the effect it will have on me in the future. Those bad memories and mistakes come back to haunt me everyday, and I feel sad and I always have a burning desire to just erase my bad past and start over everyday, not keeping in mind that it will never happen, and that what I did will just be a permanent record of all the events that happened in my life. I will never be able to start over, it’s just reality. I nearly lose touch with reality every day, and I’ve been shut away from the real world long enough to be unaware that I will be cruelly judged, based on my looks, personality, likes and dislikes, my past mistakes, basically on everything about me. I cannot escape. It’s how the real world is. You can never erase your past, it’s like everything you did was written down in Sharpie somewhere where people can observe it and people can judge me because of it. But it will never go away. Eventually, I’ll have to face the fact that it’s just how life is. I’ll need to grip reality and prepare for what is going to be out there. Life has no eraser.
There are too many things in my life that I would like to rewrite. But I can’t. So I prefer to think of them as just bad dreams, though it’s not easy at times. You are right there’s no escape. Except for death.