i am done with trying to pretend that everything is ok. its not and never will be. what did i do to make u hate me. your right i should kill myself. i can do it tonight. no one will ever care. i am fat, 112 pound of pure blubber. Mom says its because im 6 feet tall but i know its not. so for all those who read this i hope you the best. you dont have to look t this ugly distasteful person any longer. goodbye
Please don’t harm yourself hun. Love yourself instead.
your not fat I am, I am only 5/3 and i weigh 170 pounds
You should try one of those body image tests, you’re crazy under weight. FYI, coming from experience. You have a distorted image of what you look like. Try to step outside of your physical body and just look at the you inside. You’re likely angry and sad at something you can’t control and are using your weight as a way to control something since you can’t control this other thing you don’t have any power over.
Only 112? Eat something! That’s not fat at all, the opposite in my opinion. Who said you were fat? They need a reality check.
If you’re 6 feet tall and only weight 112 lbs then you are very underweight. You may have body dismorphic disorder. Please start eating well and taking care of yourself.
are you a guy or a girl??? I WISH I was 112!