So many of my problems in adulthood stem from the bullying by the same guy from Kindergarten to Junior High. In Junior High, he got an accomplice who was even meaner. School was hell. I never told anyone, and it’s for the best because who would have done anything to the rich popular kid? Sure I should have been stronger; I should have yelled at them rather than cower in fear. It’s a satisfying visual turning around as they followed me and said cruel things and yelled, “What in the hell is wrong with you cowards?” God I wish I could go back and see the look on their faces. But I was so scared–I was really small and skinny for my age. And the accomplice was a druggie and mean. Can I publish their real names out here for the satisfaction? Do you think if the had known they were changing my entire life it would matter. If there were such a thing as hell fire, they deserve it. Usually, I’m very forgiving, but these guys led to me hating myself. So, ok I am weak.
In my opinion, people deserve to have all the pain they inflict, inflicted back upon them. It would be perfect justice, but also rather harsh…
But, being weak does not make you a bad or worthless person…
Forget the awful things that those losers said to you Margaret. You’re better than them. Don’t let their hurtful words cause you to hate yourself. Learn to love yourself again. I’m sure that you’re a nice person. They just said those things to make themselves feel good. You can move on from this.