My boyfriend of 1 year broke up with me saying that he no longer loved me. It sounds so pathetic that I’m this upset about it, but when we were together I felt lonely, and I feel even lonelier now I’m not with him. Yesterday I attempted to jump off the top of a car park but he stopped me. My parents are impossible to talk too, and I’m scared of my friends running away from my problems because they are too much. Tomorrow I intend to kill myself because I have no hope anymore. I dont even know if people on here will care. Something has to restore my faith in the world, but I dont know what that is or even if it will happen.
Lauren53, I understand that you are hurting right now, but this is not eternal, you will not feel this way again, you can’t, it is impossible to feel hopeless forever, whether its tomorrow or next week, you feel a relief from this, and you will start to heal. Millions of people have felt the way you have, no one likes rejection, but they got through it, so will you. It will get better, you will love again if you hold on. You are young, you will bounce back.
I hope you feel better soon
I’d like to be able to believe you, but I feel that my mind is already made up. Tomorrow will be the last day for me.
You found love once, you can find it again. Why do you feel all hope is lost when you are so young? I hope you can see your way through this.
But I dont think anyone will want me. Im not pretty or skinny or anything. I’m just boring.
There will always be someone out there that wants you for you. Just don’t get wanting to be with you confused with wanting to do things to you.
I know a lot of interesting people who think they’re boring. I’m sure you’re not! Not everyone judges based on how you look, or at least not completely. You’re probably exagerating. Someone will like you again, don’t worry. A breakup is no reason to die, especially at this age. I really hope you won’t hurt yourself, I care.
NO FRIEND,I care,A LOT,I’m not joking you don’t have to be skinny or pretty for me to be your friend,looks don’t mater for me and you are never alone I am here and so is the rest of the people on this site please,hope is not lost you don’t have to die,nobody on this site has to! Please don’t die I’m almost crying just thinking of you dead! You sound like a great person and I would love to be your friend and so would many others! Please,please don’t die! You are very important and I hope I can help you with this message! If not I will keep trying and trying,friend!