Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I truly care about each and everyone of you. You are all unique and good hearted individuals and I’m so sorry that you’re suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts. But please, keep fighting and don’t give up hope that things can improve in the future.
*hug* hazelleyes *hug*
*hugs* 🙂
I want to sleep, I should be sound asleep by now.. I took quite a lot of sleeping medicine to see if it would work, and I felt really tired for about 10min, but now I’m wide awake. Yesterday I was awake for 27hours for no reason (and I had only slept about 6hours the night before).. I just couldn’t fall asleep. What the hell is wrong with me?
Aww that’s nice, Dave.
Today was actually a pretty good day compared to most but now I’m in mope mode. Can you come take my phone away so I don’t text my ex?! SO tempted… but I know I shouldn’t… *sigh*
Feeling the same as you about the whole ex thing. I had to see her all day long with her new boyfriend. Lucky me.
@onlylonely – ick, talk about torture :\ Hopefully you can get some distance from her?
@hazelleyes: When I have difficulty sleeping, I take a small shot of red wine. It’s good for the heart and for some reason, it makes me sleepy and I actually sleep through the night. I don’t drink much otherwise, because alcohol in general makes me sleepy.
@SadBk and @onlylonely: It must be tough seeing your ex’s moving on with other people. I don’t know how that even feels because I’ve never been in a serious relationship before. My problem is that the girls I meet don’t see me romantically and I always get stuck in the ‘friend’ zone. I’m not giving up hope though. I know one day I will find my soulmate. 🙂
Dave_N… you scared me for a second there, I have an online friend named Dave who says the same thing about getting stuck in the “friend zone”… but you’re not him, I can tell from some of your comments. Whew!
Seeing them move on sucks. However, I’m 99.9% certain that this ex doesn’t have a new girlfriend yet. I know the day will come, and I can’t even bear the thought of it… I hope I’m not around when that happens.
You have that elusive thing called HOPE! Good for you. I think. Hope can be a ***** though.