Hi, I know I seem a little too young, and how it’s “just a phase” but please listen! I am 11. I have a mood disorder, and I am fighting depression. I am, of course, too young to date, but I also like this guy. Harrison. His nickname is Lake, so I’ll use that. We became friends a few days ago. I like him, and he knows, but every time I ask him out, he says no, and then asks out a different girl. Although, strangley enough, it doesn’t effect our friendship. ; -;. On top of this I see 2 counselers every week. 1, Mr. Dweese, who I see Mon-Fri., and Anotherone, Kim, who I see 0nce a week. I do take school off to see Kim. I am at the point in life where m depression is really bad.it started in 1st grade. I tried killing myself, but my parents caught me each time. Now I plan when I want to die, but it never append. Please help? I need the support. Will give e-mail in comments, if needed. BTW M parents don know that I am on here, or tha I look up ways to kill myself. Thanks for reading.
You are never too young for this, but at your age you need to be aware that things could get rougher due to the following years of “growing up” and what not. They can get really bad sometimes – to the point where not one single person or thing can make the pain in your head, stomach and chest go away. Makes you feel like you can’t do anything but hurt and it takes you to extremes. I understand you wouldnt want to bring this up to your parents if it has happend before, or even your therapists. The best thing is that you have gone from trying to planning. As long as your planning – youre not trying. Coming on here or calling a help line – as much as it seems ridiculous at times, its always better than sitting alone with your thoughts. If you want to talk more – about anything: E-mail me – agreygirl@hotmail.ca
Ok. Well I am also 11 and I am fighting depression also. So I know what its like.
With Lake.. Thats something that I have also experienced… Its not fun.. Usually people get over stuff like that and meet others that they like more.. But sometimes that doesnt happen. All I can say is maybe give him some time and he will learn to like you a lot more.. With you trying to kill yourself.. I think that it is probably a really bad idea.. I mean… You have your whole life ahead of you and maybe this year just sucks and it will get better next year.. But since you tried to kill yourself when you were in 1st grade I think that you maybe were not thinking at that moment where you thought you just needed to do it.. Or something like that. But I really think that before you try to kill yourself or say something like “I am gonna do this. Im gonna die at this time tomorrow” (Ya get my point?) That you should think about everyone who will miss you. Your parents, Teacher(s), Friends, Lake, Counselers, Everyone you know will miss you. They wont get the chance to talk to you and hang out with you everyday. They will always notice your gone if you leave their lives. Just.. dont die because a boy made a mistake or cause things get rough. Cause I have been there. I know what you are going through. The pain might always be there yeah but at least your alive with a life. I hope this helped and im sorry if it didnt. (: