It’s amazing how there are so many ppl around me, so many ppl who call themselves my friends and yet i just can’t seem to talk to anyone. I mean REAL talk, beyond the “hi” and “how’s it going?”.. Why can’t we talk about stuff that matters?
I know sometimes it is just easier to stick to the conventional greetings and nothing more b/c I don’t want to upset anyone or burden them with my thought but Oh how I wish it was easier to talk. I wonder sometimes about their burdens and all the things unsaid between us. Will the day ever come when we all just lay everything on the table.
I understand how people get very upset when they know they can’t help or they just wanna get away from u and you realize they didn’t really care as much as u had hope they would. Are we really that sensitive and unkind?
I’ve grown more tolerant of ppl over the years, after going thru a lot of problems myself, you just never seem to know what ppl are going thru. The lady at work who always smiles at me could be crying herself to sleep every night, the boy at school who always seems to know what being nice is, could also be on this site, the man sitting next to me in the train maybe looking at the world around him for the last time as he plays with the bottle of pills in his pocket, you just never know. It really doesn’t need to be this way. This world has turned us all into liars. Great liars in fact…. For your sake, I’ll smile, for your sake I’ll keep my mouth shut, for your sake I have no burdens to talk about.
I agree. It’s just a childish approach to life, trying to pretend that the problems aren’t really there and hoping they’ll go away on their own. They almost never go away, but rather get worse, and yet we never learn. Sigh…
@Robo, no we don’t learn we just keep repeating it over and over… sometimes i wonder if we would still talk so freely if we saw each other or is hiding behind a screen the only way we can talk.
Inhibitions are kept higher in daily life because the liability of social interactions gone awry gets too expensive to risk, except with our most trusted few.
On the Internet we can take time to write and revise a few careful words. Then others may carefully read and re-read, perhaps choosing to respond. All the while we’re not noticing the erratic body language stain(s) on clothing or industrial-strength sex toys falling accidentally out of each others’ bags.
It’s feasible to share precisely what we mean here. We can go at our own speed and I won’t feel diminished by billions of people ignoring these words.
@changeling, I understand and agree with what u say. “industrial-strength sex toys” lol…but yes i know we get to think before we type on here, but i just feel right now all my conversations with ppl in the real world have been reduced to nothing more than being polite.
It takes a long time to get invited inside others’ “trusted few.” Once there, we can be ourselves and let our hair down. Still we must often maintain a measure of our formal inhibitions. Gradually they fall, but close friends will still point out if we have a booger hangin’. They might recoil if I skip my med’s and frolic in full nudity.
Of note is the power of therapists and counselors, whose job it is to be trusted with our dirty laundry. It’s a good post xylem I thank you for sharing. There’s a funny article on about this, called the “monkeysphere.”
I LOVED the article it was funny and informative .. thank u
Well it’s your post. You got the ball rolling, xylem. So the pleasure’s mine 🙂
I grew up in a tiny farm town village of just 3,500 people. It was a 25 minute walk to school, but I knew at least someone by name in each of the houses I passed. Most of us knew most everyone else, including which car was whose on the street. That familiarity ended for me 25 years ago, as I’ve lived briefly in various cities since.
Still I find myself people watching and visually marking apartment buildings, houses, and any building which looks like a gathering place (yes most all of them) in frightened awe. Part of me knows I’ll never know these people that whiz past outside twice each day. They’re in the real world. I’m on the train, separated by a giant pane of safety glass.
In fact I’ve never seen anyone that I am blood related-to because I was put straight into foster care at birth. My monkeysphere is probably distorted, simply because most people I know HAVE seen at least one blood relative. Blah blah long story short: I think that I forgot to say that daily I have the same discomfort that you’ve posted about.
Now and then if the time seems right I will gently attempt to know someone better. I’m the guy that’s polite and shy who will comment briefly about the weather in the elevator. People like quick humorous observational comments about the crazy shit we all step over and around each day, so that’s my usual tactic to get myself promoted from “vague talking shape” into other’s “fleeting acquaintance” category.
It’s an interesting phenomenon, something I struggle with too. I joke around and dump everything I feel about these things. But I don’t really have a clue. This morning I woke up and I realized I’ve read a few previous posts by xylem, and that maybe I’ve found myself a new friend in you.
It must be nice growing up in a place where you know most people around you, although i understand it does have its downside as well. Like you said it takes time to be invited into other people’s “trusted circle” or their “monkeysphere”, but I feel that even people inside my “sphere” are starting to drift away, or maybe it’s just me who is drifting away. I just wish my daily interactions were more meaningful than they currently are. I don’t exactly need to be someone’s “best friend” to be able to help them, and it doesn’t mean ppl should give me their list of dirty laundry all at once, I just want a few honest words, a decent interaction. Changeling I’d be glad to be a friend to you, if you like to leave me ur contact, I’m not exactly sure how to pm on here..
Okay see you have already accomplished the toughest parts:
1.) you want something
2.) you know what that something is
Formation of these two (and actual pursuit of the something) is in my opinion, the essence of life. Especially in your case, because growing positive relationships will benefit others too. So it’s win-win and at no cost to any 3rd monkey. Now you do what everyone does: you watch and you wait and you learn to get your something.
This is all coming from a guy who’s something is death. So you gotta read this with a grain of salt. It’s been a long time since I wanted something other than death. I get excited for people who write on this site: first they’re frustrated but sometimes we get down to brass tacks. Sweet Jesus, they want something!
That IS life, my friend. I’m confident that you’ll grow closer to new friends AND keep plenty of old friends. I try for people that appear to have room in their sphere for another monkey or two. That’s about half of the people that I bump into daily. Generally I avoid parents or grand parents because society is collapsing and those people don’t have time or interest in my garbage. Their spheres are full.
PM yeah I don’t know how that works here either:
changeling7110 [at] gmail [dot] com