I got invited to have dinner tomorrow with a really pretty girl and her friend. I hope it works out this time. Wish me luck!
I got invited to have dinner tomorrow with a really pretty girl and her friend. I hope it works out this time. Wish me luck!
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Hot damn I hope you get lucky with both at the same time. You GO Dave_N 🙂
Sweet! Good luck bratha. Just remember, be yourself, she invited you cuz she likes you for you. Girls pick up when a guy is being different.
Let us know when she falls madly in love with you <3
Good luck!
You will see how you’ll have a good time! Just don’t pretend to be someone else – be yourself. People tend to forget that, and it’s soo important. I agree with Jerzyboy.
I really hope it goes well, you deserve it! 🙂
Let us know how it went!
Go Dave! Hope it goes well (:
Thanks for the helpful advise you guys. I’ll just be myself and hopefully that will be good enough. 🙂
I’d add … don’t go with over eager expectations … share the discussion, listen. A lot of times people go on dates looking to somehow “define” where it will go in the future … it shouldn’t matter – go in with the only goal being, making a friend … after that, just leave it blossom organically.
guidance dawg
Fuck my life. My dad insisted on coming on my date, because he was worried about me. So it was me, my dad, my date, her friend and her boyfriend. My date was really pretty but I don’t think she wants to see me again. Thanks Dad for ruining my date. Fuck. I guess I may eventually end up being the ’40 year old Virgin.’
Why didn’t you just tell your dad to do one and give you both some privacy
Aww shit that totally sucks I’m sorry your Dad fucked things up Dave_N. Yet maybe there’s a silver lining.
She probably wants you to bang her still. Who knows maybe you or Dad too. Some chicks like it when guys double up on them once in awhile.
Dave aren’t you like, 30? And your dad insisted on crashing your dinner date? Look that really sucks. But you have to accept some responsibility here. In some way you must be enabling his co dependence. You’re a grown man. If you have a date, you should stand up to your dad an say this is a private affair and he is not invited, simple as that.
On the plus side, you must have something going on if this pretty girl asked you out. I strongly suggest to ask her out again, just the 2 of you, and be persistent about it (but not crazy stalker like). Woo her. Shoulda like she likes you enough to give you a second chance. And DON’T tell dad. It’s none of his business. Good luck
Ugh! That sucks. But I agree with one_day. Sounds like a little self sabotage. No woman is going to want to date a grown man who needs to be chaperoned. You know this, so now if you don’t see her again, you can feel comfortable that it was Dad’s presence and not your personality or anything you did that put her off. Feels safe in a way, yes? Like FML due to shitty circumstances rather than flat out rejection.
I say man up and ask her out again without Dad and without her friend, even. Show her a good time. Be gentlemanly but take the lead (we like that). You can do it!
I agree with one_day and sadbk, you gotta take care of this on your own. And when I mean “this”, I mean life. Parents are great, but they should not stop you from growing up. Try one more time, ask her out for a nice dinner, just the two of you, and you will see how it might go better.
Cmon, you deserve this, fight for it!