I’m sitting in Spanish class right now And just can’t take it anymore. I don’t know how, but I will be dead by midnight tonight. I have the worst friends and barely any. Everyone else goes out of their way to make me wanna die. I just want to make them all feel terrible. I want everyone, to regret how they treated me. If I’m still alive, I won’t have gained respect. I’m gonna end it tonight.
No no no, if you’re in any kind of “class” then you’re far too young to be doing this. Just wait. Wait around for a while 🙂 You’ll make your life-long friends at university or work when you’re older 😉
Even Jesus has a friend who betrayed him , you are not responsible for your friends behavior .
in suitable time God will regret them
no one who has passed away from this world
feels sorrow, regret, or disappointment because of dying
but rather feels a hundred regrets for lost opportunities,
saying to himself, “Why didn’t I keep death in mind–
death which is the storehouse of every good fortune and
why, through seeing double, did I make the object of my life’s
those fantasies that vanished at that fated hour?”
The grief of the dead isn’t because of death;
no, it’s because they focused on phenomenal forms
and didn’t perceive that these are only the foam,
moved and fed by the Sea.
logic flaw………….
So these people dont like and you treat you badly??? If that is true – then they would not care if you are gone and may actually like it.
Stick around – that would piss them off MORE.
I’m In The Computer Lab Right Now TOO ! I Know How He Feels I’m 16 A Girl . Im Loving And Care I Hate Being Alive Because This World is full of to much pain!
Please Don’t Kill Yourself. How Old Are You ? Are You A Girl ? Or Boy ?I Just Want Someone To Talk To To . Someone Who Won’t Think I’m Crazy. People Look At Me And Assume I’m Happy Because Now I Have To Fake It I Dont Care How BaD i wANT To kill myself sometimes i dont. Im Terrified Of Not Doing It RIGHT And Going To A cRAZY HOSPITAL AGIAIN. I havnt been to one since i was fifteen! I Dont Want To Mess Up And Go Back .
And Also It’s Hot Right Now! I’m Burning Up !!! And Guess What I cant WEAR sHORT Sleeves because i have bad hyportrophic scars on both fourarms :///
I agree with all other comments, but also, you can’t do it to make them feel guilty. That may not work, and if it does, you’ll never get the satisfaction of knowing it. It’s fruitless.