I wonder, if there is an end to any of this…. things keep happening …. some of us are depressed, some of us want to end our life, some are struggling to find a meaning , some are try struggling to find a way out, and then there are others who don’t have too many doubts, they are almost sure of what they want and are working towards it. And life goes on…. the race, the rush, the panic , the ecstasy, emotions,feelings, sensations…. everything that makes this web of life goes on… just goes on , not waiting for anybody or anything…. there is a sad beauty to it all…. and at the same time it is ugly, brutal and ruthless…. is there an end? if there is what will it be like?
An equanimous is less likely to see how life is structured. Its not important or necessary to them. They aren’t perpetually searching….
* equanimous person
The end would be the best because its the end