Im pissed off with my so called life. I have no one, not one person who calls me. not one “real” friend! I have come to the conclusion that no one gives a shit. Most days i wonder around town aimlessly with my son and its as if im a ghost no one talks to me i feel so alone. And them false people who pretend they give a shit just makes me want to punch there horrible faces in. My boyfriend doesnt understand how i feel i tell him i feel suicidal and hes like you’ll be ok!! I feel like theres no hope anymore, i feel empty. i want someone to listen someone to just hold me and be with me during difficult time but no not one fuckin person is anywhere to be seen! My boyfriend is on holiday, my mum’s just no interested,my brother just stresses me out with his problems and they are the only people i talk to and even then its like talking to a brick wall. My head is in a constant battle i just dont know what to do. is there anyway out apart from death?
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hi ineedsomebody
most Women need Security & Protection from someone, like a Partner. This has been evolutionary determined, already from the Age of Bronze.
Also, Women talk more than men averagely per day, and have more need to receive compassion. I think this is also the case with you.
What I think that you should do, provided that you see ‘ to die ‘ not as an option, is first getting a Hobby or more you get Confidence with, if you haven’t already.
If you find the hobby awesome as well, than the more Power to you.
The Confidence that you get out of the independent hobby is already good on itself, but the Confidence will probably also attract more people towards you, and they will be attracted towards you sooner. At least, this is how I have learned it at school 🙂
Now that we have the right Hobby/Hibbies, and consequently the Confidence, we should look for a human being or more to fit our needs.
I will call two Stereotypes: the BodyBuilder(in), and the Woman/man who goes to the Library to gain Knowledge and read Novels as much as she/he can. By some preferred to be called a ‘ Nerd ‘ and ‘ Bookwurm ‘. I don’t use those terms now as they are often associated with negativeness.
The BodyBuilder(in) represents the Security & Protection side.
The Woman/man who reads a lot represents the side who will listen to your story { it’s not hard for most of these Stereotypes to listen to other people; they listen all the Time to their books !! }
Thus now we want to find a man/Woman who can both give Security & Protection towards you, and who will listen to what you want, in real-live.
While I cannot tell you a Sports/Read combo, I can tell you a Sports/think game combo [you may have already guessed it]; Chess Boxing.
As a skilled Chess Player — I can tell from experience — you must own a fockin’ load of capacity to listen. self-Explanatory, less than a full-time reading person, though.
What I just did, I analyzed a Candidate group of persons in this World that you may feel comfortable with. ofcourse, there are more.
If you wish to contact me and possibly help more for the *time being, you can give me a call at
Fieluk Ajirst
*à dó hope to go death soon.