so im back at school for the ferst time in 4 days after losing some of my mind in i class and trying to kill my bully which resulted in me losing some blood a lot of ters and whats left of my mind so yer my mental scars from bullying held so going back to school must be esey right… wrong in the reel world non of that happens especially not in good old blighty (the UK to all the yanks out there) i came back got the shit beat out of me saying the same liy to anyone who ask it was a accident go home to fined a razor in my bag with a lovely note which said “to the emo kid here’s some thing to kill your self with lots of love x” well i thort to my self for a bit and I’m not pleased to say that iv got a few more scars to cont in the morning so the plan
a. i insert said razor in to said bullies arse
b. go nuts and cut some more then insert razor in to said bullies arse
that’s not the worst of it the school is catholic and thay don’t like self harmer’s so when a lod of extrem god fears come in and start handing out flayers bout how you’ll go to hell if you hert your self est aney way i had a short sleeve shirt on and you code see some old marks so one of them come up to me and out a bandig on my arm i dont think ane thing of it thay hade been giving out free bees all day untill people startid to look untill i was ina kinder opun space with know one evrey one trying to stay away from me….
on the bandig was this in big shiney leters
“i hate god so i hert his gift to me” then in biger leters underneth “CUTTER”
why just why i sat and cryd and in all boy shool this is not good and so im back to the begining of this mile self esteem 0 resent cuting activtey hiy
Oh god, that’s really horrible, I’m sorry you’ve to go through this. Is there a possibility for you to get home-schooled?
tryd i hit the tuter god bless fucking asbergus and dixlcer :/
I have dyslexia too I can’t say words or read words without messing up…but when I was 11 i worked hard so I donjt have much trouble writing or reading anymore, but the speech is hard.
its like a catlist the dyslexia slows me up then some thing inside gos fuck this and im off on one i can reed ok but the rest i dont get