i wake up everyday wanting to die. i go to my bathroom and look in the mirror. all i see is an ugly girl who will never be good enough, i go to school. always the first person to cry because of voices saying “slut”, “whore” “suicidal freak” “go die” “emo ******” etc. i walk around school with my face covered because im to ugly to be seen. im a nobody at school. no one likes, everyone hates me. i go home and pretend nothing had happened and go to my room and slit my wrists. millions of scars on my arms bleeding. i cry and cry and cry. i take a shower to wash of all the blood and to wash my face and body. while taking a shower i think about life. how life is terrible and how i always suffer. i go to my room again and attempt suicide. but i never die. so instead i cry myself to sleep. when i go to sleep i wish i’d stop breathing. and well thats everyday life for me.
I’m so sorry for what you have to experience on a daily basis. I can’t imagine the pain you’re in. I faced something similar in my home as far as treatment goes, and I struggle with cutting/suicide as well. I do want to say that school is a terrible place, but it ends. It does. It’s a horrible experience, but it ends, and you get to choose where you go after that. Please, try to hold on with the hope that your future will be different. It was for me. For now, I’m here for you. Email me anytime, 201206346@greenville.panthers.edu
thank you 🙂
and life sucks i mean i guess im kinda use to it. my biggest wish is to be happy, but i’ll never get that.
I suffer in silence, I’m incredibly sorry to hear about your predicament. School is probably one of the most horrible and disgusting places on Earth in my honest opinion, but you can’t let them tear you down… Sure, even I really want to die because I never feel like I’m good enough for people, that they’ll never understand, but I have the slgiht hope of it improving… I think that you should hope as well. It /will/ get better. The only thing that is between now and better is time, and you just have to get past it…
school sucks. it happens everyday so im used to it. but i guess if we both stay strong maybe things will get better
Don’t listen to those douches. You’re an amazing person and I love you <3
thanx 🙂 and I love you too haha 😀
You seem to define yourself based on the projections of others. There is more to a person than the mere opinions of other people, I can assure you.