Having been a cutter since I was 11 sometimes I have trouble getting blood to satisfy my fucked up mind… So today I put safety pins into the veins in my wrist and breast and it bled a lot. I had hope for a second I would bleed to death but sadly I’m alive. I just  want  to die. I should get a bigger needle
Needles in your wrist and breast? Urm never heard that one before. Well unless the needle becomes a decent size about half an inch or so and there are multiple pins being used even then it would be a slow bleed out. Ah but who am I to talk about bleeding when I relish every time i make myself drip so much blood down my body.
I was just going for veins…. Didn’t care which ones. It bled quite a bit from both places. Big bruises now and sore. Just wish it would have kept bleeding. I’m sure nobody will notice the marks… They all know I’m close to going through with it and I think they are all ready
I don’t go for veins….the blades go deep enough to bleed for at least 15-30 minutes…then again I make hundreds of long cuts haha. Oh sounds like a nuisance, bruises? Well I’m sure the only marks that they will notice will be the wrist unless you wear long sleeves….but most times why hide if they all know..
I wear long sleeves… My arms are just big ass scars. I have been cutting for 14 years! There is no fresh place to cut at this point.
Your age has thrown me off. Cutting since you were 11 and um 14 years of cutting so 25? Long sleeves are nice but in my line of work it sometimes is too hot for such things. Scars tell stories. I doubt thats true. Not many people can reach behind to their backs to cut or to their lower backs. Well some can’t do it cleanly, I’ve never heard of it being done though so I doubt that last statement is true stranger.
Haha I meant on my arms!! And yeah I’m 25!! Hell no I have never cut my back or anything like that
Ah then I bet that is true. Well the body is quite large and is quite the canvas for tats or cuts. Ah 25, not getting drunk? I don’t think anyone cuts on their back, then again….people with this kind of pain do a myriad of wild things, such as needles in veins in many places. I hate that I can’t sleep.
Yeah sleep is hard to come by…. Which sucks because I love sleep. Nothing matters when your asleep
Well my meds stopped working, well I have to explain that since no one reads my posts haha. Insomnia is the worst…..amazing things happen at night…but they are also the worst….the pains stops when i sleep.