I thought I was okay. I did I promise you you have to believe me this time i thought i was back to… well not ‘okay’ but stable. definitely stable. Exams and yet another unrequited love and everything and I saw an old man walking in the street and he was walking but he seemed so tired and old and he was stumbling and I started screaming in my head and I had to dig my nails into my arms to stop the throbbing in my mind it won’t stop make it stop make it stop please I can’t I don’t want to end up in a hospital again and having the judgmental stare of a doctor asking me how many pills I swallowed all I want is for THIS FUCKING PAIN TO GO AWAY MAKE IT GO AWAY! please help I don’t know who to turn to
Sounds like you were triggered by the old man and his condition. Did you see if he needed help? Did you feel creeped out or sad seeing him? Do you know why seeing him got you so worked up?
Pain goes away eventually, enduring it sucks for sure. It will come and go and come back again…such is life. Is there anything you can do to try and feel better?
How are your exams?
Unrequited love means you were at least going for it again. What happened?
Heard of square breathing? Count to four, like they do in music..one and two and thre and four.. as you inhale and hold that inhale while counting to four then exhale while counting to four then hold that exhale and start all over again.
I felt sad seeing him but he didn’t seem like he needed help he was just so lonely. There’s so much pain the world and It affects me so much I don’t know how to deal with it so i just ignore it. I don’t watch news anymore i just bury myself into fictional stories. Exams are over the stress is a little better panic attacks are better love sucks though but thank you so much i’ll try the square breathing seems like it might help a lot thank you!