There is a woman.
She has a WONDERFUL life, she is a born negative person, but she has a husband a daughter a dog and her mom is still alive. Well, not as healthy and as fresh as she was before but still alive.
The only thing she misses is her dad. Her dad died, and this tragedy caused an immense negativity towards life for her. She has never seen life as a beautiful thing since then. She just sees it as labyrinth of suffering.
She is so negative that, to her daughter (14 yrs old) trying to answer the question “which day is your favorite day of the year” she answered “A day that still has to come. Where people end their suffering. A day which unfortunately won’t be the best for the family members.”
Her daughter is in tears.
What should I do? What should I say to make her think a bit more positive? I want to help her so badly.
If you see signs of suicidal behaviour, seek help IMMEDIATELY! Call a hotline or take her to a psychiatrist. Just be there for her for now and try to talk to her through this. Right now she seems she needs someone there for her, even if she says otherwise.
How are you related to this woman? Is she a friend of yours or a relative perhaps? If you suspect she is at high risk of harming herself, then call the cops on her. I really feel sorry for her daughter. She should be a little more considerate.