I’m in no rush to grow up, I’m only 15 and I’ve put so much pressure on myself to become this “final product” and comparing my self to people who I think are better and thinking “why am I not there?” “why am I not as good?”. I remember I always wanted to be a musician and to do something creative with my career and I still do but I find that I was never encouraged or supported very much even at a young age and as much as it’s nice to really say I can pick myself up and support my own dreams somebody has to encourage you but it doesn’t help that even now I get clowned by kids for being a loser and what not and I feel like “man maybe I’m not really capable of anything” even though those kids (not to sound to sound conceited) don’t know me or what I can do and it’s not easy getting back up and trying to believe in yourself which I find extremely hard to do being depressed like I am, despite this I really just want to follow my dreams and I’m kind of upset that when I was younger I never got the chance to try all things I wanted to because I always felt restricted but that was because my mother always had to work(still does) so I guess that’s why I bit off more than I could chew going into freshman year because now a days you see kids young being encouraged to go after their dreams and becoming successful. I just wish I did more of things I liked .. then maybe I wouldn’t be here
My advice to you is: stick to your dreams and never put too much pressure on yourself. If you’re doing what you love, it should never be difficult. Just focus on who you want to be and don’t let anyone or anything get in the way. I’ve spent my entire life following my parents’ dreams and no good has ever come from it. I have always had a passion for fashion design, but my parents decided that they want me to become a doctor and I feel hopeless. I have no motivation to work hard towards this goal because its not MY goal and it never will be. I have completely lost all motivation because I’m surrounded by these amazing people who seem to outshine me at everything. But I think the worst thing anyone can do is compare themselves to the people around them. We are all different and hold our own unique passions and talents so trying to imitate the actions of another person will almost always leave you feeling hopeless. The most effective motivation comes from within, its something that no one around you can replicate. So when you find something that lights a fire inside you, go for it. Don’t tell yourself you’re not good enough, because you are. At the end of the day, the pursuit of your own happiness is the most important so make sure somewhere down the line you will have no regrets. And its never too late to try the things you’ve always wanted to – make sure you take on every opportunity you get, save up to do those things you’ve always dreamed about so 20 years down the road you will be regret free and the envy of all the kids who told you that you were good enough.
Thank you, I guess that will help me in the long run
Do you still love fashion?
Yeah, I do. And I have decided to take my own advice and save up to buy a sewing machine. There’s no reason why I can’t make myself and my parents happy at the same time with the appropriate time management skills 😉 And if all fails that can be my back-up career!
Which instrument do you play??
I don’t play any instruments, I’ve dabbled on piano though and know how to play a few songs and I know the names of keys. I always put pressure on myself because I had a friend who I felt was better at it then I was, so every time I got on it I told myself I would play songs that were hard for beginners to play. I guess I’ll baby step it next time
Hey you’re not a loser… Not to me anyways. Just keep pressing on to your dreams, people will fight back but that’s because they know you’re a winner and people sometimes don’t like winners! That’s a fucking paradoxical thing to say but honestly it’s true. You just need to keep going but if you can’t, I understand. Just trying to encourage you because I think discouraging someone who is down will just make them feel more like shit. You seriously need to be you, forget what people think. It’s not like you’re trying to hurt anyone. Just give it another chance and see how it goes. Anyone who doesn’t like you for who you are, well they either need to consider what you’ve put up with to get this far, or they need to fuck off and mind their own business. Sorry for being harsh but that’s the truth. People have no right to decide what you can and cannot do.
And yes ur Mum might be working, but have you sat down with eher to let her know you feel the way you do? I’m hopeful she’ll be of help, but honestly if she is not please find a supportive person! If you want to live for your dreams you need support, and just keep fighting anyway, since you want to live a good life. If it’s right for you, do it.
Thanks for the encouragement, though I don’t know about my mom I’ll try someday maybe.