i told everyone last night what is going threw my mind but today was even worse. So i have decided as it is time to end it tonight. there is no God and if he was there he defately does not here my cries. i cant take it any more and i atleast want someone to know me and to know what has all lead to this day. My name is Mark Anthony Clarke born 1979/03/10. i am 34 i have never done anything worth noticeing i live in south africa i have had so much hurt in my life lost every thing so many times i have nothing left and finnally i have lost all hope of makeing it past tonight. i have lost the one thing giving meaning to my life. Makeing me want to fight, but its gone now and i am to blaim my family says that i amstronger than this but im not. why won’t the pain stop why cant it just go away why wont God help me. what have i done to desirve this but none the less. i choose to die and use strangulation i dont know why i have come a cross this site maby it is just so that i can tell someone why
What or who did you loose Mark?
Hi mark. South africa is a beautiful place to live in. You really do not want to start talking about some other african countries. I am presently schooling in Nigeria. Well! Thats not the point. The point is that. 1.You are not ready to die
,2. You seem to have lost faith in yourself and God.
3. You seem to have no tangible past to hold on to.
4.maybe you or your family have set an unachievable goal for you. Or you are measuring your successes with that of others.
5. You believe that someone somewhere could either talk you out of your problems by sympathising with you or relating to you pains.
truth is that i hardly know you, mark and i do not believe that what i would say could make any changes to your life. I do not believe there is anything special about you. i believe you are special sometimes we set so many obsolete goals for ourselves and when we dont achieve them we feel sad and worthless. You cant keep saying there is no God and expect one to miraculously appear to save you. The funny thing about being depressed is that it blinds your mind and thought to any possible solution. Only God knows why i came into SP today because unlike before i just came in to post an encouraging word for all. If you really wanna believe in God’s mercy and power then go through all my posts up to the last one.and see how less frequently i visited this place when i met christ. The world would end soon, so please try to live your life with a God in charge. Get yourself a bible and stop looking at your problems.look beyond it and picture christ sitting on the cross. Cus ur problems would never disapear till you stop seeing them.. Or do you want to commit suicide and end up in hell. Why dont you give christ a chance he could help you start again. Just cry and confess ur sins and pains to him. In any language. He would help you start again.