I just remembered I live near an excellent bridge. It’s officially 955 feet high, but it has a nifty sign telling you when you’re directly over the river with a figure of 1,053 feet printed. You think that’s high enough? Haha. The downside is your flight time; plenty of room to regret your choice.
I’m pretty sure that’s high enough lol. It’d be scary on the way down though. I personally probably couldn’t do it.
It’s sure something just to look over the side, I’ll tell you that.
I know I have a bad sense of humor sometimes.. but this..
this sounds like it’s just asking for hilarity to ensue..
bob walks to the ledge.. he’s ready to jump.. bob jumps..
about halfway down bob realizes he doesn’t really want to die yet..
at that time the whole city heard the soft echo of one word..
(maybe bob died with regret and came back as a ghost..)
..well personally I’m quite afraid of heights 😉
I think that’s plenty high enough ha. The bridge I plan on jumping has a clearance of 155ft.
My bridge is 180 ft. into water. I hope it’s enough to kill me instantly or at least knock me out so I’m not consciously drowning. I refuse to hang myself.
Your sense of humor jives with mine, don’t you worry, haha. I envisioned my last seconds on that bridge going exactly that way…”Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, please forgive me a sinner…[leap]…FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!”
That’s one of the problems with jumping – the sheer terror as you fall, a lot of people end up shitting or pissing themselves on the way down. Survivors report how they regretted what they’d done as soon as they stepped off.
haha I’m regret it as soon as I looked down 😉
I’d* regret it (second word I’ve messed up on this forum today 🙁 too early in the morning for me I guess haha)
glad to hear it! 🙂 certain people in my live seems to hate my sense of humor, so I’m slightly careful with it.. plus I don’t want to make a person that’s going through tough times think I’m making light of their situation.. I’d feel so bad..