nuff said. R wanted in the world. its their right to love. not mine or yours. THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD. must prolly be meaner than ten vipers. cuz i know i’m going to hell when i die. it was a mark on me since birth called Srilankan and Unlucky.
1 comment
Just as there are many diverse ethnic groups in the world are there many different religions in the world as well. Beauty is a matter of opinion and means different things to different folks. Beautiful people to me are not those that are born with outside appearances that fit into a stereotype that is perpetuated by a Hollywood ideal but those who have been through the fire and have been tempered by it into a person who is strong yet not with muscles but of spirit and who are not afraid to love and have compassion for others. I walk by faith each day and I know one day that I will be in heaven when I am called home. I am a person of color that was born into a minority group that has been oppressed much in this country. My people still struggle and yes I had to break away from a religion that was practiced by my ancestors for many generations. I have found that my true calling is to serve God through his only Son. I do that the best I can and on a day by day basis. I still have much to learn about this calling. I read your posts and can only offer that according to the belief that I hold dear to my heart, no one born into any circumstance whether that be a religion or a dysfunctional family. At some point, you can choose the path you want to go and aren’t doomed to anything unless you choose to be doomed. We have free will to choose.