I really have to STOP eating.
I have to stop, I must make myself perfect for Mike.
I can never make it anywhere if  I stay where I am now.
I am done being an ugly, worthless, ***** that no one likes!
I will forcibly change,
I just wanna be important to you . . .
You don’t need to be perfect for anyone but yourself beautiful
if you stop eating… It will kill your metabolism at the end. You fast for 2 days, then you screw it up and binge. BOOM! You gain 2kg! That’s reality.
I’ve been there for a while and I’m trying to get out. Fasting friends, “Ana” buddies, etc. I hate myself, I hate my fat body so I understand you and honestly, once in a while I start dieting insanely again (insanely…I don’t if that’s even a word in english, sorry because english isn’t my main language).
But really, why do you need to be “perfect” for Mike? Is he perfect?
I know that we want to achieve perfection so we can be loved but it doesnt exist! What exist is Photoshop and girls that diet healthly and hit the gym everyday! Agh.
Its impossible to be perfect. Ive tried. You will only get down on yourself more. If he cant see how perfect you are the way you are, then it mite be time for a new companion.