Hi i don’t know how to start.I just have a few questions and i hope to get some answers.First i want to say that my English is bad ,so i hope to understand me well and be able to help me somehow.Ok.I want to die i guess everyone here want that.I read peaceful pill book and i choose the exit bag and pills method.I have 50 pills phenobarbital-100mg and i wonder is it a good medicament for this method?It is for epilepsy and it’s from barbiturate class.I wonder can i fall asleep from these pills and don’t wake up and should drink all of them?I am afraid of ripping the bag off of my head while I am sleeping.Can i do something for that?I am also wondering can i make it without the bag,i mean i know that phenobarbital can be very lethal with alcohol,but i just don’t know are the pills enough.Please if you know answer me.Please!Don’t tell me “don’t do it’ because if i decide i will!So there is no point.I just don’t want to be a fail attempt or worse to be damage after that.Thank you in advance.
Realy. That way sucks. And its a 5o/5o chance u could die or be a brain dead zomby. Can u tell e why u want to die. Please. If u have time. I would realy like to know.
pills are very slow, they saved me twice because pills dont kill at once. i’m thinking of hanging, it needs maximum 20 minutes for full body & brain death.
i want to make some money for kids, when i decide i’ll send them to my sister, lock the doors, hang myself midnight so no one find me till next morning.
there is no much pain, when i jump off the stool, the rope will squeeze my neck & block the arteries feeding my brain, & i’ll pass out & die in peace.
this is my plan i hope u like it.
Are u sure ? I read about many suicides with this method.Take for example haven’s gate …how many people died like this-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_%28religious_group%29 Marilyn Monroe too.I want to die because i am desperate,sad,not able to live with myself.I can’t live a life with pain.I have been depressed since 12 ! We die anyway why not stop the pain.
What pills did u take? Phenobarbital?Hanging sounds scary , also i dont have rope and place to do it.There is still risk to fail.It’s very important the technique for that..i think and i don’t want to find me like that.I want to look peaceful dead for those who find me.It seems that they will suffer less if they know that i haven’t suffer much.
It’s not phenobarbital, that’s too slow acting, it’s pentobarbital that is the magic pill. Aargh! I’ll be censored for discussing methods…
Whose going to find u? your kids? OK, i saw my mother stabbing herself in front of my eyes, thanks to that i’m suicidal. I want to punish myself & the people round me, so i dont care how will i look, i just want to disappear. If i put hand on a gun, it will be over.
Is it a big problem to have a rope? use anything to choke yourself, a belt or bag. The bag will cover your face & does nothing to your body shape, it takes only few minutes, you can be naked in the bathtub, i’m going to wear a purple satin slip.
Pentobarbital is another brand of ********.I know it’s good.I think it is used for euthanasia.The problem is that it is very hard to buy some… almost impossible.If u American i think u have chance to buy online,because i found some sites.But there is a big chance to lie u.It was enough hard to buy phenobarbital.My other method was CO2 with hibachi grill but i don’t think it is very good.Last night(3.30pm) i take 50mg phenobarbital to see how works. I waited about 30 minutes and nothing after that i fall asleep(not from the pill).In the morning and steel am a little bit dizzy.So it is really slow acting but does it matter with exit bag and alcohol i think it can work.I have 5000 mg of phenobarbital :).Ok let’s discuss the methods….
Melisa i am sorry …that sounds awful.But why do u want to punish yourself you are not guilty.I don’t have kids.My parents will be and i am scared how will they deal with that.Can you try with therapist he can help you with that pain?
Therapist!!! this is what i deserve cause i wanted to help you. Anyway thank you for advice.
I didn´t mean to offend you.I was seeing therapist too.For me didn’t help obviously!My opinion is that before someone take his own live he must have been tried everything.I admit that i haven’t tried enough because i am weak and i give up easily.So i am sorry again i was trying to help you too.Believe or not !
never mind, i’m numb & emotionless since my childhood.