Its been almost a year since I last posted here. I decided to get back on my feat and thankfully, I did. It was extremely hard to do tho. I went through drug/alcohol abuse for a fairly long time afterwards but Im fine now .. up until tonight. I started using cigarettes as a way to cope with my emotional pain. Anyway, I was smoking in the house tonight and forgot my ashtray in the bathroom. I still felt drained and depressed on most days but it was easier to cope with. My Dad (who also smokes) used my bathroom to wash his hands and found my ashtray and lighter next to it .. and he flipped out. He slowly walked over to me and slapped me as hard as he could; knocking me to the floor. 3 hours later and my face is still red. I don’t get it. I really don’t. I talked to my counselor last year about how I think I might have depression and my mom grounded me for doing so. They didn’t get me help. They didn’t want to help. And they won’t even let me help myself out? I’m not saying that it’s the right thing to smoke. I’m just saying that I just feel at peace when I do. My cheek is a bit swollen now and I don’t really know what to do. Any advice?
I’m sorry to hear your not in a good situation with your parents.
Really..the only advise I have is to be strong and be a fighter through this. Be mindful of your parents cuz they are your parents. You should stay away from smoking, we all should. I know how hard it can be when parents want to control you but don’t want to help you when you need it. My best defense when I was a kid was to become stronger and smarter and better at everything I could, to become more responsible and understanding than them. That way I had control over my life.
I agree with RealTalk. Keep in mind that even though they obviously treat you like crap…..they are your parents, only ones your ever gonna have……Do you ever have times where things are ok between you guys?
I have no respect for hypocrites or abusive parents, and I have even less respect for those who are both….
Ironically, my parents are more the type to baby me … I finally got done with a nearly two-month period of seeing a counselor every week, and I felt like a total ***** for being forced to see a counselor (forced by the school board because they thought I was a psychopathic Satan-worshiping potential murderer because of some jokes I’d slipped in front of a teacher … fuck, it’s better than getting fucking arrested and held in jail for months before a trial can be done like that one 17- or 18-year-old, forgot how old he is…. Poor bastard….). The ironic thing is, he kept having sessions with me because he felt like he needed to dig deeper to find the root of the issue, which he diagnosed as mainly a “responsibility issue” or “attitude issue,” something like that … what I never told him about, and what should have been blatantly obvious had he asked me the simple question, “Do you have any friends?” is the fact that I have none…. I was glad when he finally ended the sessions until a follow-up session that’ll be in December. Hope that I’m still alive when that happens….
Honestly, my suicide would just prove right all the assumptions people make about me at school, that I’m just that kid with no life and no friends who’s gonna kill himself before he graduates high school. It would support the stereotype of that metalhead who has no life and commits suicide, and needs heavy music to make him feel tough. It would also fit the stereotype a lot of Christians use of the guy who knows that God is real and is going to judge him and “runs from God” and/or the guy who has no purpose in life when he realizes that “God” doesn’t exist. (I don’t deny the possibility of a deistic God, however, One who created the universe and didn’t interfere with it afterward.) My body would cost a ton of money to bury too.
And I would never have a chance again to live. Ever.
Trudat on the part about trying to be more responsible and understanding than your parents. A lot of people say that they don’t want to be like their abusive or neglecting parents were … I personally don’t trust myself to do that … an extra condom layer solves that problem…. Seems that kids can either be therapy for a parent or a source of literal mental issues. Guess it’s the potential parent’s gamble, but if I fuck my own life up I’d rather not bring down a family with me….
Thank you .. Really .. This really helps
If you need somebody to talk to….my e-mail is
@christheals sometimes but rarely
Next time you rarely need to talk to someone, shoot me an e-mail…..I check it at least once a day….usually more