The pain inside was so bad it would hurt to breath or talk. Their were days that I hated opening my eyes in the morning because it meant dealing with this bullshit one more day. It hurt so bad. Everyday for a while now I’ve asked myself, with no answer, why did they break my heart? It had to be an accident right? No one every intentionally hurts you like this, do they? I was asking questions I already knew the answer too. I think I deserved it. I had too. The pain inside is so bad, your body is just not able to handle it, it has to go numb to it, if you actually felt it, you would die. This is its way of keeping you alive while torturing you. It’s driving you mad. I know I can’t think straight. I keep reaching out for help but no one listens. No one cares. No one understands. I am sick of feeling it. Even the little burst are getting difficult to get by, I can not do this anymore. I’m done. This life just isn’t worth it. I’m done.
Why’d he say all those nice and beautiful things to me, when he didn’t meant it, he didn’t care? Why did I let him break my heart?
You don’t deserve pain. Never. I am an asshole too. I don’t know what the f#ck your current circumstances seems like a repeated story all over again. That’s all.
i dont know about deserving pain or not. what i do know is that my story might be a repeated one but this is my story. its my pain. i feel it inside twisting and torturing me. i hope you never feel it. asshole or not.
You can go ahead and not believe me but I know what it’s like. And feeling numb is one of the scariest things that has happened to me. I’ve been depressed for over 5 years now. I tried committing suicide on wednesday. I don’t need to go into that though. Please believe me when I tell you someone cares. I care because I know what it’s like. Just hang on and keep going. Please.
Humans are complex. When it comes to the “why” of any person’s actions, there is no simple explanation. It’s the reason we have regrets. Sometimes we do things that we don’t even understand ourselves. We misjudge a situation, or we are naive. People change. Feelings change. You fall in love and out. It’s been said a million times on this site but there is always someone who cares. It sounds cliche but it’s true.
hey erissa hey many people say I understand your pain but hey I do:) I’m a guy and I’ve been in a few relationships but hey I get it. My story is a little different but I know what it’s like. It hurts for a while but look there is healing. Hey take a second and smile:) hey I don’t even know you but I love you as a person. I try to with everyone I come in contact with. But hey i want to tell you there is a God. He loves you and sent His Son, Jesus to die on a cross for you and everyone in the world. Try to imagine your a dad (I’m guessing your a girl but try to) and someone asked you to give your son to die for someone that doesn’t even know you. Would you do it? It’d be hard but that’s what God did for us! There’s a verse that even tim tebow where’s its John 3:16. It says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The thing is you are special to God and you know to me. I don’t know you but you are. Another verse is Romans 10:13 (KJV) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. If you call upon God right now and ask Him to forgive your sins because hey we’re all sinners but God loves us and sent His Son to die for our sins so we can go to Heaven, and just accept Jesus as the ONLY way to Heaven and to be your personal Savior, and to come into your heart and save you then He will. He loves you. You may not understand but He is real, His love is, and He cares about you.
If you need someone to talk to I’m all ears:) txt me at 317-759-4810