I may not mind existing so much if I was invisible. If nobody could seee. That’s how I feel anyways, invisible. Nobody sees me. Nobody looks at me. I am surrounded by “family” and yet completely invisible. I could disappear and it make no differen e. I could evaporate into thin air and nobody notice. What kind of existance is that?
Oi, guess what? You have just made yourself visible to us… and most of us, I guess, are kinda similar to you. Would you like to talk?
The only way to garner the attention and acknowledgement of others is to be assertive and expressive. If you don’t reach out to others, they won’t have the slightest idea that you even *want* to be reached out to. Do you project a negative, sullen ambiance? Your presence could also play a role into your being “ignored”. If you want others to notice you, you need to give them a reason to. Be expressive, say what you want to say and others will respond accordingly. Assert your opinions when give the opportunity – or create your own opportunity. Do what you want others to be aware of and they will respond.
Hiding in the shadows will not attract anyone and will more than likely even repel others. If you want others to care about you and make an effort to pay attention to you you need to give them a reason to. Best wishes 🙂