how in a world where all you see everyday is stupidity mounted upon stupidity are there some people who just so incomprehensibly (is this a word?) perfect that it makes you want to cry……….. then you can’t decide whether you want to try your hardest to be like them or just try to be with them as long as you can
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a ruby may see a diamond and envy the diamond and try to be like the diamond but it can never really accomplish that….because well….its a ruby…..I think that’s how people are…..some of us are rubies ….sapphires…..onyx…..emeralds…..etc…..yet we all envy the people that are “diamonds” and want to be like them…..We never can because we just can’t …we don’t have what they have that enable them to be diamonds… I guess we just try to coincide with them as long as we can