staggered overdose is what im thinking . I know how painful it is with liver failure but im willing to endure the pain for the end result. Â I just cant bare it not looking like a accident something like a car crash or hanging would be too traumatic on my family .. I always thought pill overdoses were stupid and merely for attetion but now i feel like im left with no other option. suggestions experiences??
My pet method i’ve been thinking about is exercise related hyponatremia.. or more plainly, drinking too much water through prolonged exercise. Could definitely look like an accident but hardly reliable and probably very unpleasant. A couple marathoners have died from it..
Hardly practical but i thought i’d share.
Your death will be traumatic for your family regardless of which way you die. I can agree that they may feel a little more grief if you die by suicide but making your death look like an accident is almost impossible without the assistance of another person. The police are very good at determining cause of death. I also want to note that even if you think it looks like an accident when you die ….you can’t be sure that it won’t be discovered that it wasn’t afterwords. If you determine a means to make it look accidental get rid of your computer because they will be able to gather data about what sites you’ve visited and deleting the history won’t delete it like you think it will.
Act sick. Let people know you feel ill. Chances are there will be no autopsy.