A recent comment on one of my posts was questioning my reasons for feeling suicidal, saying things along the lines of “you have a loving family and many would kill to have that,” and just plain old “I don’t understand.” That person meant well, but that really did make me feel insignificant. Alright sure, I do have parents and family that care about my wellbeing, and many people on here don’t have that, but we still have the same feelings of wanting to end our lives at times. That’s what we come on here to talk about. We don’t come on here to compete over whose problems matter more (at least I hope we don’t). Truth is, I do suffer from mental problems based on how past and current events have shaped me. I have lost a lot in too short a time. I wrote about it in an earlier post. That was a truly traumatic time for me, and I have and never will be the same person again because of that. I struggle with feeling lonely, isolated because of my sexuality and other interests, and fitting in. I am on meds but they never last for long, and I ultimately end up having my dosage raised. I do feel for many on here, because I can relate to their thoughts. So, all I’m saying is that, even if you don’t think my problems are as bad as those of others on here, you can still at least offer up some advice and let me know that you care to some extent. Please?
hey freind..I am not sure who said that ur problem was small or something but still from what i can understand is probably 1) that person didnt mean comparing seriousness of ur problem with others problems and 2) if u think in that manner it can b very helpful..it can make ur feel lighter..u can try that and just laugh at it!!
but indeed sometimes for hypersensitive people like i used to b not too serious problems can also affect us a lot.in fact a freidly adice i would like to give you is to work on urself to be more filled with life and try to be happy..hope life wud much happier for u soon..
Depression isn’t available to someone based by their financial status, class, race, gender, etc. It infects and seeps into lives unfairly. Sorry you got crap. Everyone has their story, and reasons. I care, though advice I have to offer is nearly nonexistent. Drugs haven’t worked for me either. Negative effects always outweighing the positive to the point of being better off without them. Hope you can find some relief. <3
I assume you are referring to me. I meant no harm and I wasn’t trying to belittle or minimize your situation. It just came off as “complaining” because I only read that particular post. I’m sorry If I made you feel that way….It was not my intention. I also made it clear that I was only responding based off what you had wrote in that particular post. I agree with you we aren’t here to determine who has the worst situation but there are some situations that just seem light weight compared to others…but its all perspective after all we are only on the outside looking in so even if it does seem that way we can never know how that person may truly feel. Once I again I apologize and I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad or anything I just don’t think suicide should be taken lightly. I just think people should have solid reasons because if there is some sort of consciousness after death you wouldn’t want to feel intense remorse and regret upon realizing you made the wrong choice and I just got the impression you were being hasty but I see I was mistaken. Don’t take it personal it was just a bad assumption on my part
thanku for the apology. i really appreciate it. I posted a few other things earlier about the biggest events of my life if you haven’t read them yet. Personally, after reading it, I hope everyone on here thinks that is something worth being depressed over.
It doesn’t matter what we think ….you don’t need anybodies approval or validation to be depressed…..Of course there are people who form an opinion on whether they feel you should be depressed or not but it doesn’t matter because they don’t walk in your shoes. All anybody can do is give you their perspective.